1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Withdoll 16cm Tinies Discussion - Part 2

Dec 20, 2016

    1. @ Vermont chick Thanks for the picture. This helps me a lot. I'm amazed that Laney and Rin look pretty good together. I didn't though that the styles fit so good together. However I think Lucy and Rin doesn't fit so good together, because of Lucys headsize. Her large head looks super cute in the fox suit.
      Sad to hear that they can't stand in their animal suit. My WDs wear casual clothes only and they can pose very well.
    2. Lucy is absolutely adorable!! I wish I discovered BJDs when they had her for sale.. I only got into them a few days ago and found that I missed out on a lot of gems :'( Hopefully they'll make another Lucy-like head/make-up and offer the fox costume for purchase or something ;-;


      As for the snow foxes, I can't decide between Lena or Penn, they're both beautiful...
    3. Maybe you're in luck and Withdoll rerelease Lucy. They did this with some of their releases, but I'm not sure if they do this with all.
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    4. WD does re-release the tinies, sometimes in the same costumes and other times in different costumes. Jax, for instance, has shown up in at least two different costumes as well as a basic doll. The last time they released the sheep and wolf story they said it was the last chance, but they haven't said that about the foxes. They never offer the costumes alone. If they did, I think people would buy one doll and stock up on costumes.:lol:
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    5. Today a little Snow Fox jumped into my shopping cart. I changed my mind and didn't ordered a Jax and bought a Lena instead.
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    6. My Lena will be with foxy suit but i want to make her something casual to wear...
      Ordered cute boots from mudoll :3 and want to knit long sweater.
    7. Did you see the new handparts, that Withdoll released today with the basic Stella and Vivian? I wish they would sell them separately.
    8. The hands are adorable. If they sold them separately I would buy all three.

      My tinies attended a meet-up yesterday. Here they are:
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    9. I'm a little bit sad, that the handparts are just an event. Hope they will release them more often or even more different hands.

      @vermont chick They are both so cute. Thanks for sharing the pics with us.
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    10. Has anyone heard any news on their snow foxes? My order hit the two month mark today so I’m hoping to hear some news any day now :cheer
    11. I hope they start shipping soon. So I can see a few ownerpictures until mine arrive. I think my order won't arrive until january, because I fully paid my order before three weeks.
    12. I just paid off my Snow Fox Penn, so it'll be quite a while until she arrives. I do hope people will get their Snow Foxes soon so I can survive the wait by at least looking at others cuties. :D
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    13. Oh! A Chocolate for Christmas!
    14. @clochette - What a cutie! And I love her outfit.
    15. Are there any Stella or Vivian owners?
    16. Thank you...poor girlie got immediately drafted into modeling duty. Such is life in Troop Tiny ;)

      I'm figuring out what color eyes may work better for her...the darker ones don't really seem to photograph well.
    17. I've noticed that with dark eyes. That's why most of my dolls end up with light blue, light green or light violet.
    18. @Einnn has your Penn arrived yet?! Mine arrived on December 27th but she doesn’t have a faceup so I’m curious to see one with a faceup if yours has one.
    19. @aae3748 Sadly mine was a layaway! I paid her off in early December, and I don't know when they start producing items. If they start when they have all the money, then I won't see mine until spring. :sweat Mine will have the Withdoll faceup though, it was so cute and perfect for the character I have. :) I look forward to seeing yours!