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WITHdoll Mini Discussion Part 8

Apr 8, 2016

    1. by the way the boys body have magnetic hands
      the girls haves hook and are a little bit bigger than the old bodies

      ich some monthes i can make a pic with the two and a minifee boy
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    2. Thanks all. And i agree that head sizes differ even within the company. I think WD's Ian head would be matched scale wise with my SD' Titika. The thing I'm most concerned of is the height. My SD is 47cm while WD stands at 45cm. I saw a comparison photo, and i dont think it will work. So I'm planning to hyrbid a WD Ian head to a taller body.
    3. Wow, 47cm is really tall for a normal msd (non-fashion doll)

      Speaking of Ian, I just noticed all the boys are on sale. Any idea why? Do you think maybe they're going to update the body?
    4. They already did. xD The new body has wider shoulders but otherwise it seems pretty much the same as the old one. :::::::::: WITHDOLL ::::::::::
      I kind of wished they'd made the hands a bit more manly since they made the body more so as well. I feel like the boys have very small girly hands compared to all other msd boys around xD

    5. I really love Withdoll's body. They even look more mature than my Souldoll because they have defined abs. I just wish they were a bit taller.. Especially since I'm planning to get an Akagi doll which stands at 47cm too and hopefully an Obscure Kind Dohwee which stands at 48cm.

      i wasnt really concerned about the height difference between my future crew, since my Withdoll would be the youngest brother with Akagi doll and souldoll as his elder brothers. but seeing a comparison photo put me off..
    6. Well, the boys are still 45cm, and that's plenty for me :D
    7. @ThatiRosen What about it has put you off? Because I don't really think the difference is that big, maybe like half a head, less if you coordinate shoes well (thicker soles for the shorter doll), which imo would work just fine for a shorter/younger character? JWD -> SD N.L. -> SD Vito

    8. I guess I'm stressing about my boys but the real issue would come from the girls. Although im pairing my WD with a LM, im planning to have msd girls around 44cm.

      I guess there really wasnt an issue.
    9. the good news: it seems they still have magnetic hands!
      the bad news: why did they take away magnetic hands for the girls?

      I asked when the new body came out for the jwd girls if they would consider making magnetic hands for them again, and Withdoll seemed pretty adamant on not bringing back magnetic hands (even as an option part) so I am really curious as to why x.x
    10. I put mine in 1/4 size clothing from the Chinese brand Bears and it works well! Depending on the style, tops either fit well or are slightly oversized. I bought my pieces from Alice’s Collections during a sale.
    11. Well, BJDivas have added a boy JWD body to their site since I last contacted them. I had written to them about the girl bodies via their online form on their website, and I'm not sure if that worked. Especially since they're struggling through a flooding incident that forced them out of their shop. So I just wrote them an email, and hope I can start a layaway soon :) I am so in love with their bodies, and the 4 bust sizes is terrific, I really love the B size, it's just perfect IMO, LOL

      I'm going to have to look up Bears @Autumnfallen , I never noticed a brand name like that on Alice's :)
    12. I'll have to look that up, too, @Autumnfallen :) My boy mainly wears a locally-made set and will eventually get some custom-made clothes just for him, but it'd be nice to have some additional options that I don't have to make! (Right now he's stuck modeling for cosplay for me, because his head is smaller than everyone else's and the costume I'm mocking up has a hood.)
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    13. She's super cool @SteamWitch , who and what is she? She's too cool not to have a back story, LOL (As if I could come up with back stories) :XD:
    14. She is in my post apocalyptic world with her boyfriend, Kensett. Having been exposed to strange chemicals has changed her skin to gray. Everyone (except her boyfriend) thinks she's a zombie. They tend to stay off on their own so people don't try to kill her.
      [​IMG]thisway2 by SteamWitch, on Flickr
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    15. Aw, poor thing :( At least she has Kensett :thumbup
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    16. Does the new withdoll body fit into Ellowyne Wilde outfits? anyone know?
    17. I doubt it as the new body is bigger than the old one.
    18. Ah, I think you're right @Dakashy , thanks :D
    19. Goodness this thread is too quiet, LOL Does anyone want to show off their doll and their doll's outfits? I'd love to see them please :D