1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Would You Buy a Doll with Scented Resin?

Mar 2, 2021

    1. I can't say I would, I'm not really into most extra gimmicks/options as it usually drives the price up, if you really wanted your doll to smell a certain way you could just lightly perfume their clothes or wig imo. It would also kind of limit the character if a doll has a permanent scent, especially something sweet.

    2. Replying to an older thread, but I just had to say; I bought from this Angellstudio batch! The two french resin ones came with a vanilla scent when I bought mine. It was really mild and actually way nicer than the usual out of the box smell. It wore off before their body blushing even did, but it was still a nice change.

      I wouldn't get a onion scented doll though... or even garlic. But fruits for sure
    3. More than likely no. I have a lot of allergies and am extremely sensitive to scents both artificial and natural so I would worry about having a reaction to whatever scent the resin is. Imagine... being allergic to your dream doll. I understand the novelty and the appeal to some but for me? It's a no. :(
      • x 1
    4. I'd like to have a scented doll, it reminds me of the old toys gimmick when I was a kid. Sadly it would fade with time, but you can always put something inside the cabinet if you keep the dolls there, or use a hint of perfume on their dresses
    5. I could see this happening maybe with some of the smaller bjd...like maybe a company could release a fruit based theme like little elves or something with fruit hats and fruit costumes and they could smell like that fruit. Would be kind of fun. The smell likely would not last long but it still would be fun for a time.
    6. Not for me. I can see there being problems for people with allergies also
    7. Nah, I actually like the smell of resin. :lol:
    8. I like the idea of it but I think I'd probably do without honestly. I love the smell of resin and I already wished that smell didn't fade overtime :XD:
    9. Nah, I'm quite sensitive to smells. I've gotten used to the resin smell, anything else would throw me off too much I think.
    10. This just makes me think of this (off topic, playline) doll my sister had when we were kids that was supposed to smell like fresh lemon scent. She just smelled overpoweringly like furniture polish. It was disgusting.
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    11. It actually would be really nice to have a vanilla perfume on her when you pick her up. I think that's a great idea!

      It sounds like a good idea, but in practice I think it would be a disaster. For example, I like floral perfumes and my sister likes wood perfumes. It would be very hard to please people. And some people have such strong aversions to smells for many reasons; allergies, bad memories associated with a smell, or headaches, etc. BUT...my dog would love his toys to smell like cheeseburgers!!
      #91 CPow, Oct 16, 2021
      Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2021
    12. I agree. Plus, scents wear off fairly quickly and and why pay more for something that would not last. If I wanted one of my dolls to have a scent, I would but some cologne or perfume on her clothing, but not next to her skin.
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    13. There are several artists put dried flowers in the box to scent the doll. It probably won't last long though.
      Also, I've always been wondering if the smell of resin is toxic...
    14. Maybe? I’m rather smell sensitive, but if they have the right scent i would totally be down. Specifically if it smelled like coconut!
    15. It would be nice, though I've never been adverse to the general resin smell that comes with opening a doll box. I wouldn't pay for it to be scented and I would kind of worry about how it affects the resin but its such a small novelty thing i think its be fun for the little while it lasted~