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Would you buy for your doll a wig of dog hair?

Aug 22, 2016

  1. May be

    79 vote(s)
  2. Never

    89 vote(s)
    1. I wouldn't only because I'm quite allergic to dogs, particularly if their fur is wet, which triggers my asthma. I've gotten into a car that regularly has a dog in it (every day) and while the car was clean and I only saw a few stray hairs, the smell of a dog having been in the car was enough to trigger an asthma attack, which was not fun.

      That being said, I have no problems with any kind of fur being used for wigs. Several of my dolls have real fur wigs from foxes, coyotes and rabbits. I also have a rabbit and it's never bothered me one bit to use rabbit fur (skin-on) to make several wigs. Making a wig out of my rabbit's fur (wefting method, of course) would be one of the softest wigs ever as she's a lion-head and angora is one of the breeds in her back ground and her "skirt" is really, really long (about 5").

      I actually have a small bag of her fur (a friend said she'd spin it for me into yarn) but it takes forever to collect it from her as she was a rescue bunny and is terrified of being brushed so it's a looooong process of passing the brush over her about a dozen times before needing to stop because she starts panting and shaking in fear. Funny enough, she likes to be petted but even a super soft brush scares her.
    2. Depends on the style and quality of the wig! Natural fibers are fabulous, as long as they've been processed properly and are an appropriate staple length and fineness for the purpose.

      Knitting with Dog Hair is a great book to start with, if you want to work with dog fur on your own: https://www.amazon.com/Knitting-Dog-Hair-Better-Sweater/dp/0312152906/ The sections about combing, washing, and carding the fiber apply to any textile craft, not just knitting.
      #42 Cynthia in FlintHills, Aug 25, 2016
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
    3. Honestly, I prefer synthetic fiber wigs, but I do have a couple of mohair wigs because I was curious, so I would probably be tempted to at least see how it looks.
    4. This was the best comment ever. LOL.

      And I don't see why people wouldn't - don't label it as dog in the title. Let them love it by the images. Of course, tell them in the 'descrip' that it is humanely farmed doggie hairs.

      I'd use my cat's fur. lol.
    5. Totally if it looks nice and there wasn't, like, cruel treatment involved. It's just fur, same as alpaca and such.
    6. It would depend on how the wig looked, I think. I prefer synthetic fiber wigs, though I have an alpaca one on commission right now. The only absolutely, hell no wig is ones made from human hair. For whatever reason human hair wigs creep me out big time. I recently purchased an artist porcelain BJD that came with human hair rooted & glued into the porcelain head cap (it was made with tiny holes for rooting the hair- pretty neat actually). I couldn't get that hair off fast enough!
    7. when we think about it, it's definitely not any worse than alpaca hair. But I'd probably still laugh if I saw a beautiful wig for sale labelled as "yorkshire terrier wig"!
    8. Personally I wouldn't for a few reasons:

      -I'd be concerned that the maker wouldn't be able to completely get the dog smell out (and would the smell reemerge if it got wet?) I have a very sensitive nose.
      -The advantage of a mohair wig IMO is when it's attached to the hide so your doll has a natural looking scalp and the hair can be parted any way (and obviously I would never want anything made out of a pet's hide) otherwise synthetic is much more versatile in texture, color, and length
      -Dog's hair (and realistic synthetic fur) doesn't look like human hair to me
    9. I mean if the fur was cleaned and the dog was well cared for, I don't see why not. I am willing to buy wigs from people that use Alpaca and angora, so....
      • x 1
    10. [​IMG]
      Nothing special, as you see )))
      Just a wig
      • x 1
    11. And a lovely wig it is, too! :thumbup The natural variegation in the color is so pretty, and the fiber looks right in scale with the doll.
    12. I wouldn't, but not because I have any 'yuk' thoughts about it - I won't buy any animal hair wigs (or clothing etc... which makes some of the FL fullsets out of my reach because they use real fur/feathers/mohair etc :() so even the most 'ethically' sourced animal hair wouldn't be on my to-buy list :lol: You do you though!
    13. Yes, I would consider it as long as the dog was not treated inhumanely or hurt in the process; so as long as that was stated clearly like you did in your original post I wouldn't have any issues. I have no dog allergies so that wouldn't concern me either. Your wig turned out lovely, @Erlif, and looks great on her :)
      • x 1
    14. totally agree, I don't see what not. The imprint of a healthy living dogs clean hair is allot less than the production of synthetics and a great way to recycle as well as feeling nice. I have a friend that spindles and people will go to her with their animals hair and she will clean it and spindle it into yarn for them or her to make little bags out of they can carry around with them. That is sweet I think
      #54 Katscauldron, Aug 27, 2016
      Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
    15. It does look really nice
    16. No, not for me.
    17. Definitely. It's from a well-loved animal, not even from a farm sheep, or an alpaca. I don't see the issue, as most dogs have wonderfully silky hair.
    18. I wouldn't have a problem with it. I wouldn't buy anything smelly regardless where it came from and I'm pretty sure all hair can potentially smell bad if it isn't cleaned.
    19. I don't see a problem with a dog hair doll wig. Sounds like an interesting novelty, in fact.
    20. I personally wouldn't-- I'm not really a dog person and am sensitive to that 'doggy' smell. But I do understand why some people would see it as being the same as any ethically-harvested fur/wool wig... after all, there are plenty of animals whose fur/wool really hangs onto a strong odor.

      I mean, as far as pet hair goes, one of our cats loses a full second cat's-worth of fur when he gets his serious summer grooming, and I probably could spin it and knit something out of it. I don't plan on ever doing that, but I've definitely seen weirder.