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Wow! He/She is sooo small/tall!?? Being surprised by size!

Jun 12, 2012

    1. Well, when i recieved my first doll, i was actually surprised at how much he weighted, and his size too. Second doll didn't surprise me as much, but i'm probably going to get surprised at every new size i get
    2. My first doll (and only one completed so far) is a minifee Shushu, and as they are quite small, I really thought they were even smaller!! When I first saw the body was like "WOOOOW REALLY!?" I don't want to imagine when I'll have the EID I want... eeheh...
    3. I started to realize how big my doll was going to be when I bought clothes for him (I bought the clothes before he came so he wouldn't be nekkid). I really like how big they are though. Very pleased.
    4. My first doll was an SD-sized doll, and yes, I was really surprised when I noticed how big she was. She was really heavy too, and I would never have imagined that resin really can weight that much. But I really liked it, because I was a little bit afraid that she would be as light as a Barbie doll or something.. : D
    5. I am still surprised by how small SD-sized dolls seem compared to how tall I know they are.
      As I am quite short myself, most slightly larger SD-sized dolls (the 65 cm ones, like soom super gems) come to about halfway my thigh, which sounds huge in comparison, yet I never feel they are quite that big when handling them
    6. Yeap, its a whole surprise because the sizes aren't really loyal to the photo XD the Illusion Spirit Valentine in photos looked a bit small but seeing him in person was really a surprise! He was quite big and I was so panicky fidgeting on how to hold him properly while fangirling >w<
    7. I was surprised by how big my Unoa Sist was. I've had mini dolls before, but they were the bigger/chunkier old Soulkids and Volks dolls, and I've always heard about Unoas being too small for a lot of regular mini clothes and not all mini shoes will fit them, etcetera... but when my girl arrived, I thought she was a chunky little thing and not particularly skinny or small at all!
    8. DOD Twinkie was the first doll I've purchased. I've only seen barbies which are about less than 30cm tall, but when I got Twinkie(MSD) she was really big for me O_o
      that was my first surprise, second surprise was when I got a model doll from Dollmore. (Ha Yarn Cho)
      She was 68cm tall... much bigger than Twinkie..

      Somehow I like really really big dolls..so Cho is my favorite >_<
    9. I was really shocked when I saw an Enaibi Briséis in person! She is soooooo delicate and petite!

      I guess I never felt like my SDs were surprisingly big...and I havent really felt much shock with other sizes either? I was fortunate to have gone to lots of populated meets early in my entry to the hobby. So I was familiar with the feel of different height classes before ever making plans to buy one.

      I was fairly surprised when I bought an Oceanmoon 50cm body to make a hybrid, and found out that the body wasnt as small as I thought it would be for a 50cm doll. I ended up buying a whole Oceanmoon doll and she seems to fit in well with my other 60cm range SDs. ^u^
    10. I've seen SD sized dolls in person before but never a VOLKS so I have the feeling that my girl is going to be bigger than I expect her to be (things usually end up being bigger than I expect)
      the first time I saw an MSD in person I was surprised at how big they were, even the slim minis like Unoas were a lot bigger than I expected them to be
      the size of YoSDs didn't really surprise me though, they were a little bit bigger than I thought they were but not a huge difference like with MSDs

      I haven't actually held anything larger than a YoSD though so I wonder how heavy my girl will be.....

      EDIT: she's actually smaller than I expected (but she is on the shorter size of SDs), she is a little heavier than I thought she would be though
    11. My first bjd was an SD Soom Gem Kyrie, and even though I went around the house with measuring tape out to 60cm, comparing it to everything in sight, I was still surprised at how large she was -- just the overall mass in general, was a lot more than the height I was expecting.
      Then I got an MSD Dollzone Hid and I remember when I got some clothes in the mail before he came, I was quite shocked, yet again, at how large the clothes were, from what I was expecting. When I got to open him up on Christmas Eve, I was shocked, again, at his mass.

      When I brought home my first Minifee Seorin and put him down next to my Dollzone Hid, I noticed the difference then at how short my Seorin was in comparison to my Hid.

      The last doll I was surprised with was when I got a Narae. She was so much bigger, and lovlier in person than I was expecting her to be, I litterally gasped out loud when I brought her out, despite the fact I had been around slim MSDs her size (like MNF) for a few years, yet she still managed to catch me off guard as I pulled her from her packaging.
    12. I've never felt the largeness of a doll by their height but definitely by their weight. Supiadoll Rosy was my first SD-sized bjd, and while I had to use both hands to move her around because she was just that long, I've never felt she was large. However, when I received my Ariadoll 57cm dolls, which are significantly chubbier, I definite had a 'holy crap, this is huge!' moment, because these dolls are ridiculously heavy to me.
    13. haha i agree. when i first receive my doll.. i thought he would be very light but i didn't know it would be heavy xD i only have MSD doll but im aiming for YOSD and tiny and compare their height and weight haha
    14. I was a tad surprised by the size of my Lady Sylvie's hands, as Volks dolls I'd seen before had always had large hands and my other girl had long delicate fingers, where as hers were smaller and chubbier ^^
      My big surprise was when my Spiritdoll Dark arrived, though. I'd expected him to be around about as big and heavy as a Hound, but I was very surprised by how broad and thick his body and limbs are. And when I picked him up the first time I nearly dropped him! He's such a heavy doll, he feels like holding three or four at once xD
    15. That's how I was too when I received first doll. :sweat He is 63cm tall and I measured it out multiple times before he arrived but was still blown away when he arrived. He also was heavier than I expected when I first lifted him up. I also get that feeling when I buy his clothes and his shirts are really big.
    16. I don't think anything can prepare you for how small Realpukis are. I watched countless box openings and looked at a million owner pics,and I was still surprised at how tiny Soso was when I opened that box. Another one that surprised me was RS Lan. People said she was small,but I had no idea how delicate and skinny she was until I got her.
    17. I felt the same with my Pukifee and Honeydelf(YOSD).
      When I first got my Pukifee I was like "Oh my she is so tiny" so when I got my Honey delf, he seemed bigger than I expected.
    18. I haven't even recieved my first doll yet. But last week, I got some SD Ugg boots from the mail and I was like "HOLY MOLY THEIR FEET ARE HUGE!!" I might have a bigger reaction when I actually recieve the doll. Let's just say, being used to Barbies size as a kid, there is a substantial difference!