1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Youpla Dolls - Discussion - Part 1

Apr 15, 2017

    1. Hello ! I know it's a big amount, specially before Christmas :(

      I take layaway for the fullsets as well and I can began the layaway in January :)
      The preorder will open Tuesday for those who wants blank dolls!

      Thanks a lot
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    2. Who would NOT want to buy a doll from you? Seriously, not many sculptors get on here and chat with collectors and layaway is ALWAYS a wonderful thing!
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    3. They are really beautiful dolls. That's what means most for me. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the hands on my Vana. They are so beautiful.

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    4. @Youpla , could you show different pictures of your dolls blank? It would help your sales.
    5. @Youpla I have been stalking your Instagram lately due to Olive. I read that the preorder for her won't be "soon", but somewhere in the year new, as far as I understand. So the chances are, it won't be in January, or is that far enough away, that it could be considered "not soon"? :3nodding:
    6. I just added blank pictures for Vaéron and Vlad on the website :)

      For Olive I think the preorder will be around July :)
    7. Oh my, that's way further into the future than I anticipated, but it fits so well with my other plans :kitty2 Thanks for your reply!
    8. I've definitively a preference for Vaeron! There is a bit of Ziya in him I find very appealing.

      What about a blank Tamara?
      I know you don't wish to sell her straight away but calling people's attention that a beautiful sculpt/body is going to hit the road at some point next year goes a long way in this hobby.
    9. I'll take pictures of Tamara too current December :)

      I have also one Tamara for me so you'll see pictures before the opening of the pre-order.

      But I just didn't have a day for me since 3 weeks and I need to breathe a little before to take pictures again x')

      And thank you for Vaéron! <3
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    10. Took Priya out into the snow (with her new vest) to 'enjoy' the snow before it melts... ;)

      [​IMG]Snow by Ban, on Flickr
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    11. Seems like I was right about the price of the boy ^ ^ Ah, his release is such badly timed for me... >_<
    12. Priya looks beautiful as always. I love her vest. I hope she didn't stay out long enough for her hands to get too cold though. :lol:

    13. No but MINE did :P
    14. Oh you poor thing. :hug: Hope they warmed up again soon after comming inside again.

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    15. I've been lurking silently in this thread for a while but I've got a girl coming home to me soon. :celebrate I told myself no more big dolly purchases this year (aside the lillycat poulpy pre-order), but... :sweat

      I've got a question about clothing size though. I know minifee things seem to fit them, but if I'm looking at an etsy shop offering different minifee size options, which is the closest? A-line body, moe body? I don't know anything about minifees really :shudder
    16. Hi hi,

      Seems like I have been lucky enough to be able to buy a Ziya on layaway from January. :love I had to ask my bestie, which of my characters are the best fit for a Ziya, and she suggested my character Gerda, so my Ziya might be a petite ginger-red-headed girl, who grew up as a child soldier. *_*

      Anyway, I have most things ready for her, wig, eyes, clothes, but I'm unsure what shoe size her normal feet fit. YoSD? Minifee Moe?

      No matter what, I'm super excited about Ziya :D
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    17. @Akatsuki Congratulations! I've loved looking at everyone's Ziyas in this thread and the galleries. Hope to see plenty of pictures of your girl when she arrives. :D

      My Olive, who I've named Luna, arrived home today! She's absolutely stunning and I hope to take some photos when the winter sun cooperates with me a little more. Her shade of green is just beautiful. And when we have less static in the air; right now her default wig and a wig I bought for her look like two angry porcupines fighting on the shelf....
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    18. Thank you :D I will be sure to spam photos of her haha.

      I envy that you got a hold of Olive! :love She was my original idea for Gerda. If Ziya doesn't work for me, I might have to get a hold of Olive :whee: I'm convinced, however, that Ziya will work for one or another of my characters. She has too, she's simply too gorgeous. :D
    19. @Akatsuki Congratulations! She’s such a beauty, I’m sure you will love her.

      After dreaming about them since their respective releases, my husband got both his dream dolls on layaway. He’s getting tan Ziya and mint Vana, so our Youpla family is growing. I’m most excited about the Ziya myself, since I always wanted her in tan too, but had no character that would suit her. Now I won’t have to get her, I can just play with his! So yup, in a few sweet months we’ll have a big box opening and hopefully I’ll be able to show them here (I’m the unofficial photographer for all his dolls, so I get to post them too :) ).
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    20. Thank you dear :hug: Congrats on your husband's two dream dolls as well! I remember falling hard for Vana as well but ending up liking Ziya more.