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Your FIRST face-up

Oct 26, 2009

    1. I still have my first attempt on one of my heads. I thought it was ADEQUATE... good enough... Not great, but OK... Eyebrows were crap, though... I still have a hard time with those... keeping them light enough...

      I used airbrush and acrylics, no pastels. I am an artist/illustrator by profession, but still have very little experience with faceups!

      CP Vamp Elf Lishe Dreaming Head, done in 2005--
    2. Except for slightly uneven eyebrows, my first face-up turned out pretty well. It was on a very small doll, a Planetdoll mini & I was worried about the bottom lashes but I found using a VERY sharp watercolor pencil that I kept sharpening on an emery board, I was able to get extremely fine lines, much better than I ever could have gotten with paint. I'd done some enhacements before, adding eyeshadow, changing lip color but never a complete face-up until I did my Planetdoll.
    3. My first faceup really sucked. I tried to paint freckles which turned out way too dark, giving the doll the appearance of having a very bad case of acne. For some reason I didn't notice this at the time.
      As if this was not enough, I had coated the whole thing with Testor's, but neglected to wash the head before coating...
      It got very sticky and came off within two weeks. The second was MUCH better.
    4. pretty bad, i think.


      i'm kind of glad i didn't take a better picture of it. i liked how the lips turned out, but the eyebrows were harder than i was expecting.
    5. Well it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't that great. Once I learned to approach faceups like makeup rather than a drawing, it helped. My faceups still aren't that great but I'm confident that I will improve with practice.
    6. My first attempt was way too dark, then I went too light. LOL Then, I finally tried brushes. still not right. :(Then I got the right size teeny tiny brushes-it wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't been doing tinies. :sweatLOL My tinies have all been redone at least 3 times. but I only had to do my MSD twice to get her right.:D Make sure you have lots of light. I find it a lot easier to sketch first with watercolor pencils.
      My MSD Nefertari
    7. Yeah, tinies I think take more practice. The first MSD I did was so much easier.
    8. I was really scared to do my first face up, terrified I would mess it up. I guess I am a perfectionist, and still want to be as good as some artists whose work I see on this forum. The face ended up little too light. As expected the eyelashes are really difficult to paint on. I'm still not very good at it, cause I am a little new to this stuff. At least there is plenty challenge left, I can still improve a lot, that's a good thing.
    9. I actually just finished my first--can't post pics because I am on the schools computer--but I was pleased with how it turned out. I put too light of eyelashes on her so I will have to replace though but all in all I am happy with it.
    10. my first was...bad. but as terrified as i was at first it was surprisingly easy to do, so it was like going over the hump XD
      once id done one, doing others was much much easier. and they turned out better too!
    11. Not as terrible as I expected but certainly not as good as I had hoped. I'm starting on face-up number 4, though, and even over those few times, my sills have improved. Ohhh how a Gretel Head is/was my best friend.
    12. My first faceup was marginal. I don't think I am very good at it and I am not sure that practice will help me. Barb. in L.A.
    13. I'm waiting anxiously to attempt my first... CAN'T WAIIITTT SO PSYCHED. It should be fun, but I'm expecting an abysmal failure of a face. ^.^ I won't be able to do it well until I've practiced a little.
    14. I thought he looked great at the time...looking back and comparing to his current faceup, the first was pretty horrible with all the wrong paints and colors and everything!
    15. I like how mine turned out, actually. It took EPICALLY long though [4+ hours!!] but in the end, I was glad I took my time, because I surprised myself with how happy I was with the result. ^^
    16. wow, Mittebam, I would swear that's professionally done O_O
      It is very beautiful ^^
    17. Hehe, thank you :) I guess all the painting and drawing I do actually did help with my first face-up :sweat
    18. I actually liked my first faceup, and if you want to see it look at my av picture, there it is! His look has never changed, and the heavy colour is deliberate, he wears makeup, however my strokes have improved and I am happier with my fine shading on more natural faceups now
    19. My first face-up went better than I expected it to- but then I paint with super-tiny brushes anyway (individual eyelashes? but of course...) it drives my tutors mad... No it's not professional quality by any means... but I haven't wiped it off yet, so it can't be that bad. I do, however, keep noticing bits that I didn't do, or should have done differently.
      What it did do was cure me of the fear of trying to do my own faces.
    20. Horrible.
      But It was supposed to be as I just everything I had on the head to see what it would do.

      If I take the second one, which I really tried my best to do.... it was ok =3

      But now I am quite proud of myself on how it is going >w<
      I'm at my fifth faceup on Meredith =D