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Your first Tiny? Were you shocked?

Jul 29, 2008

    1. I was very shocked at how small my BB Ani was when I got her... then my Puki Pipi showed up and I was even MORE shocked! :fangirl: They are cute. I want an army of tinies now. :doh
    2. Boy, was I shocked. Before my pukis started to arrive, all I had were SDs...and then this pocket-sized fully jointed thing shows up, and I was scared to touch! But they're sturdy little boogers, and it's impossible to resist handling them! So I got over it pretty quickly, but the next hurdle to hit is painting some parts. o_____o
    3. I was kinda the same way when I got my first Catsy in. She is so tiny my big dolls can hold her in their hands!

      I have some spare parts for my Catsy twins around.. I just need to get the time to dye and paint them. I have had to do touch ups on their defult shoes, so I don't think painting will be too big of an issue.
    4. Until I bought Baha, all my dolls were SD size but I was absolutely in love with him right from the first. He's pretty chunky so he didn't seem all that small. Then I fell in love with Not Doll's tan Lucy. When she arrived I was simply amazed at the perfect enginering that went into such a tiny thing. Double jointed with a 3 part torso? I was beyond impressed.

      While my main interest has continued to be the big dolls, I've collected a number of the tinies too, all mature ones except for Lucy & the 2 Pukis I recently bought. There's just something irresistable about little, tiny things.
    5. My first was a bobobie cookie (with a female body - not my choice as he is preloved - so 14cm). Considering what I had at the time was an SD and two MSD sized dolls, the size was surprising indeed. But hey, its a tiny purse sized dolly that was really cute ^^ When I first got him I just couldn't stop touching him and having him moving/posing (I also learned of my problems with msc, he was my first faceupped doll). Couldn't put him down to say the least.
      Couldn't say the same with my second tiny, who was damaged (not in transit, already damaged) and until someone else handled him I wouldn't dare. He is now very much loved and cared for though.
      Adore my tinies - convenient to carry, light, very posable, make as good (maybe better in some cases) characters as larger dolls, easy to find furniture for - cannot fault them.
    6. My first tiny is a BBB green Eric. My purpose for getting him was to be able to bring a resin kid to my professional office without being obvious.
      I love him and I have all sizes . He slips right into his green velvet bag and noone is the wiser...like having a tiny secret!
    7. Not shocked, THRILLED! I adore tiny dolls, and so when they started making tiny dollfies I HAD to have some. Miniature dolls are so easy to take places, and like Alithegreat says, it's like having a secret.
    8. Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and just recently got into BJDs. I fell in love with Alice Cherry Blossom and now have Alice, Gothic Hoody, and William Winterberry. I am amazed at how light she is, but very solid at the same time. You can really see that she is a quality product. I absolutely love her little piggy hands. Now I am thinking about getting a Puki Puki doll and possibly a Pipos.

      Does anyone have any suggestions for other tiny dolls?
    9. Hello Hen, nice to see you joined up! I just recently visited Oakland too. :) My personal favorite tiny dolls are Dollmore Banji's and Elfdoll tinies. They are slender and a bit more mature looking.
    10. Thanks! I'm happy to delve into the world of BJDs!

      I'll have to check out the Dollmore Banji's. Some of the Elfdoll Tinies are cute. And some of them are a bit scary. Aren't there a totally new batch of Tinies? They look very different from the old model. Which ones are you referring to?
    11. Well, I think the Elfdoll tinies are all very cute! There is a new batch of sisters coming out very soon. Many people are waiting anxiously!
    12. Ye gads, shocked was putting it midly. Haven't been collecting long but started with the 60cm. Then I bought an Elfdoll Sylf and when she arrived I'm like "How in the flowery goodness am I supposed to pick her up let alone dress her without crushing or snapping an arm or a leg?" I'm still a bit nervous about handing her.
    13. My first was a Bobobie Nissa girl, I was soooo bewildered. I knew it would be tiny due to the fact that I used a measuring tape to estimate the height. But I STILL never expected it to be THAT tiny. I mean it was weird to actually touch!


      Than my second (which came a day or two later) was a Pukisha! lol which was TINIER!!!!
      lol this I found quite entertaining. I was practically SCARED to touch her. lol

    14. (second post in the same thread LOL, now months later since my puki arrived)

      No, not shock. Except now I must say, TINY is an extremely addictive "disease" once you fall in love you may end up with an army down the road.

      Here he is sitting on my keyboard


      I have now 6 with 5 on the waiting ACK
    15. lol I too got addicted to the puki's but I will have to wait a bit for more! but i want the puki sugar and puki rose. I also want a littlefee, mainly the new fairy one so that may come first since I am sure it will be sold out SOON!!!! lol
    16. First Tiny = The 26cm Unoa Light Azurite. Seeing how tiny all of his body-parts & segments were, & then looking at the all-Japanese instruction sheet, caused me to spiral into a panic-- even though he had already been assembled by his previous owner. :sweat

      Up to that point, I'd collected two 44cms and six 60+, and had no plans for any Tinies at all. I can handle giants, but Tinies? What had I gotten myself into? I had just gotten used to handling the burly Volks SD16 when this scrawy little guy came in the mail. I think "Wow, Spike, you're sure not an SD16" were the first words out of my mouth. ^^ I thought I was prepared for his size, but I was still shocked when he arrived and I held him in one hand.... correction.... when I tweezed him out of the box gingerly between two of my big clumsy Frankenstein fingers.... and was afraid to breathe on him. Yaaah! So skinny! So little!

      Years later, I have finally gotten used to Spike's size. Now I just make sure that the giants are careful around him. He makes a wonderful contrast to all the beefcake in the house.
    17. My first tiny was a pipos baha cat. But it was not so shocking I guess.
      I got more shocked when I received my lati white doll. They are so so small! <3
    18. my first is a puki......

      i was in awe of her, much smaller that i imagined too....

      sooo cute
    19. Tillo is my second doll so before I bought him I already know he was tiny.
      ... Well measurements doesn't prepare you for the actual tininess that is a puki.
      So I got used to him, played, enjoyed his tininess...

      Not until I was finished with Tomato (my TF) and put them together for a photo I was truely shocked at how tiny Tillo was.

      ... perspective I think. XD
    20. Tinies are addictive for sure. I just received my first tiny about two weeks ago, a Nari Pon Lucky Clover. Her size didn't suprise, I am thrilled with her. Seeing pictures of the tinies along with the bigger BJD's really does put their size into perspective however.........boy are they tiny!