1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Your true reason for having a doll?

Aug 16, 2008

    1. I had always loved dolls, i liked making clothes for them and i liked taking pictures of them, and i liked them as companions. when i was growing up my american girl doll was the world to me. i would make dresses and clothes for her, take her EVERYWHERE....she wasent very photogenic but i took pictures anyway i would talk to her when i was angry or sad or frustrated or even just realy happy but she started to lose that luster for me and i needed something a little bit more....
      that is when i discovered BJD i would like to say it was love at first sight but it took over half a year for that initial "oh...look at the joints....creepy thats a biiiiig doll." do turn into "they are just! what i have been looking for!!!!" but alas it did so realy i got my doll for alot of reasons and for my first doll it took all thoes to justify the price for me although i'm getting over the intitial shock but so far Mogi has in the three weeks i have had him gotten several new sets of clothes, he has gone nearly EVERYWHERE i go exept to work i have done several photoshots and when i am home he dosent leave my side. i love it they realy are just what i need ^^
    2. Well my answer is pretty similar to anyone of you.

      First are their beauty whom drag my attention, then their customize able body attracts me. They give me inspiration on my character drawings when I pose them or looking at them. They also be my model for my fashion sense and for my photography shootings. Not just that, because to own them, I start myself to learn sewing which I never did before in my life. I also learn to do face up for them so I could save up some cost and earn some money too.

      But beside this, they not just my dolls for me to play or models to take pictures...bla bla bla. I've been through some emotional break down for 2 years ago as my family problem. I lost my beloved grandma and after 8 months my dad and I really sad but I never show my faces to my family or friends so end up I cause myself to have emotional problems. Cause I kept everything to myself. There that time I am lucky, cause my first girl was there with me. Each time I feel like crying, I carry her on my arms and hug her tight. Then I look at her again, she's like smiling to me and her eyes like telling me, dun cry, no matter what we all love you. I feel my heart warm again and I stop crying. Or when I fall sick I hold their hands I really feel, there's someone beside me and I can easily fall asleep after that.

      They just like an angel guiding me and keeping my heart warm. I own them and I treat them like my own kids. They cheer me when I'm lonely and they are there for me whenever I need a hug.
    3. Because I like them so I got them. Thats the only reason I need to get anything.
    4. Well... I've always really loved art, and things that are really customizable. These dolls are the best of both worlds when it comes to having a beautiful, delicate piece of art that is truly YOURS.
    5. awwww.......... X3 *MASSIVE HUGS w/ my dolls too :aheartbea*
    6. i have really bad social anxiety! i could take medication but i HATE the feeling of being on medication plus i feel like when im on medication im trying to change who i am. being really nervouse around people and shaking and stuttering sucks but its still who i am

      so i use animals and dolls to fullfill my needs for company and companionship

      and screw you if you think thats retarded lol jk i kno it kinda is
    7. I'm a Japanophile. I find the culture fascinating. I read manga, watch anime, love Pocky, think that the vending machines hold about the most interesting things, am curious about day to day life there and hope to travel to see Japan one day. I love cosplay and would kill to learn Japanese. ABJDs sort of fell in with that. A little bit of Japanese culture that have snowballed in size.
    8. I...don't know.

      They made me catch my breath, and I adore miniatures, and I love shopping for difficult-to-find things. I suppose it was inevitable, once I knew of their existence. :3
    9. My true reason?

      I wanted to replace my wooden model that I used for drawing with a better one. BJD were perfect! Not only that, but they were beautiful. So posability plus beauty was a must! *______*

      However, once I bought them, I didn't use them for drawing all that much. Instead, there were other creative outlets like photography, faceups, sewing and photostories.

      So much for using them as models. XD; I still use them for poses I find hard to visualize and they're convienent markers of size, being relative larger and smaller to other doll size/heights. Not only that but because they're sculpts, it really helps color? especially lighting and shadows. But I've yet to practice with my dolls. XD;

      It just seems like they decided to have their own prescence instead and figured that being a model for an artist wasn't good enough. LOL
    10. This this this, a thousand times this! I can fulfill my creative urges so much easier now that I have my boys. I originally bought them to be beautiful silent companions for whenever I felt lonely, but I really don't have them next to me as often as I want to - I smoke too much and I don't want to stain and stinkify these expensive dolls. So they usually stay safe in their carrier until I feel the urge to take them out for picture time. I have to say I'm really really enjoying photography now, I never had much interest in it before.
    11. I had the idea of a totally customizable doll stuck in my head ever since watching and reading "Angelic Layer". That's the big draw to me-to make doll look however I want her to look.
      Beyond that, the community has really drawn me in. I generally don't seek out the company of others, though I see my friends in classes everyday and have only really let one person close to me since starting university studies. My sweetheart is with me nearly every other day, but for the rest of the time, my cat and now my doll are my companions. It also gives me something to do with my hands other than mess with my fingernails (which are so short! such a bad bad bad habit!), as I pack a bit of cloth and thread and work while sitting in waiting rooms.
      Plus, quite frankly, the cat doesn't like me fussing over her as much.
    12. I have a clear reason. I used to write and draw. My dream was to create my own animations, but all I do now is writing programs and too busy to write stories and draw characters. I started buying dolls and turn them into the characters I created, spending money instead of time for my satisfaction.
    13. They combine all my creative outlets and interests into one: miniatures, photography, fashion, and the expansive storylines that I create in my head.

      I have no writing abilities, and my drawing is average, so this is the way I choose to bring my characters to life.
      When I first discovered bjd I felt like I was upgrading from the little cloth dolls I would make to represent my characters. I'd treat them much like I treat my dolls now, except a lot less photography and a lot more drawing. I'm glad that I found my niche with this hobby, I find bjd much more rewarding than some mediocre drawings and featureless cloth dolls to express myself.
    14. My true reason for having a doll(s)? That's simple! I like to control small attractive resin men. I suppose I really like the aspect of dressing them in how I like, choosing their hair and eyes and deciding what their face-ups should look like. I love creating the character and then helping them to grown.
    15. Honestly to me they are a sense of comfort, and a creative outlet, I can sit and fuss over them create a perfect little world for them, its a bit of escapism I suppose.

      Maybe it's because I'm stuck it a weird phase in my life where I'm to old to be a child yet I do not feel like an adult. but when I delve into my doll things those type of issues just fade away and I can sit back and admire the beauty of these dolls and the hobby, and not let anything bother me.
    16. Hrm. When I first saw these dolls a few years ago, a few people in the anime world had them, and I thought they were really pretty but way out of my league money-wise. However, they're one of those things that fits to my taste, which is often a bit out of mainstream. (A bit OT, but although I love animation I wasn't into 3DCG until I saw Advent Children - apparently my dislike had more to do with style and subject matter than anything else.)

      I'm a collector by instinct, a writer by hobby, and a person who definitely wants to personalize things (most people unpack fully before putting posters up in a new place; not me!), so these dolls tie into all of those traits. I didn't expect the sort of "goobery" feelings I usually have towards pets, but my boy does raise those in me ^^;. And he is totally a pet replacement right now, too! As many have pointed out, it's an awesome feeling to see a solid 3D representation of a character who was born in your head.
    17. I've never been much into dolls when I was a kid - prefered to play LEGO with my little brother. :> I probably wouldn't care much for BJD either, but I also happen to be a writer, with a nice group of 10 well developed original charas. So, when I saw somewhere a photo of a dollfie which looked exactly like my fav OC - I knew I had to get her. <3

      I wonder if I'm able to grab a whole set of 10 one day...
    18. When I got my first MSD, Zayn, in early July I originally had the intention of just writing stories around him...but when he came in and I opened his box and pulled him out I looked into his eyes and my jaw just dropped. Yes I know its corny but I saw something more in him in that moment and now I know I have someone to comfort me whenever I am sad or stressed when I in my apartment during college and no one else is around. Yes, I know laugh all you want.
    19. In the beginning I wanted a BJD because not only do I sew, but the clothes I design would be on a small scale and it would be a great test pattern.
      And the dolls were so cute to begin with it seemed like a good idea. ^^

      Shortly after, I really got into the whole "Doll and Character" idea and repainted my dolls face and gave him a story line and personality, went to meet-ups, got tanother doll, and realized what I neat hobby this was~
    20. I am a writer, primarily of fiction. I know enough about drawing and painting to know that I'm not very good at it, and I want physical/visual representations of the characters I work with - it helps inspire and focus my writing. Hence, the dolls.