1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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You're gifted $1000. What do you buy?

Feb 15, 2018

    1. Bodies & faceups, my friend. Bodies. and. faceups.
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    2. probably track down a sylves dragon body or ringdoll's 1/4 yumeo
    3. outfits! custom outfits! I have a dream list of outfits for my dolls and i REALLY need armor for them, would %100 spend all of it on trying to get some armor for them >w<!
    4. Shelves to display everyone:roll:
      But also some fancy outfits and shoes that actually look right
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    5. This is my second time answering this, things have changed. I’d now buy a lot of really good quality clothes, shoes, eyes, and wigs for all my current dolls. I did some rearranging yesterday to fit a new doll in and it was tough because I have enough dolls to fill the display cabinet in the doll room and if I add more bjd I will have to sell some ot dolls to make room. Ooh, I just realized I could get some wall shelves to add more bjd, lol!
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    6. Shoes....... And a DOD Roze Chae.
      But, mainly shoes!
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    7. Nikon Z50. I've put off getting a digital camera for way too long now!
    8. I want to have Fleur by Maskcatdoll so much!!Also some outfits and accessories for other dolls
    9. I think I would probably get a LOT of accessories (clothing, shoes, wigs, furniture, etc. plus crafting supplies to make all the ephemera) for my existing dolls, but then again I really want a Myou Doll Chelses even though I am not technically trying to collect any more MSD sized dolls. I am actually feeling pretty happy with my collection of dolls, but not the amount of items I have for each of them. For example, Mina (my DC Cecile on a K-11 body) doesn't have a dedicated wig anymore since my "new to me" Gem of Doll Satina (who has yet to be named) stole it lol Mina also only has a tunic at the moment. My mature tinies from Myou Doll definitely need more clothing (specifically shoes since they are really hard to find shoes for). Getting those dolls full wardrobes would likely require commission work if I decided I didn't want to make all their stuff myself.

      I would love to get all three of Maskcat's mature tinies (Feline, Joy, and Innez)! I'm glad to see someone else interested in this doll maker.
    10. Answering this again but I'd likely buy a Chicabi Enfant (I've wanted one for a while) and maybe another Littlefee because a lot of them are being discontinued. I'd also like to find another Pukifee Ante but those seem thin on the ground recently.
    11. I’d probably try to get my hands on my DD grails Manaka and Lina!
    12. I would save it. It would be a good start on being able to afford a Volks Rose of Versailles or another SD16.
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    13. I'd save it for the next Teacup Marionette in the right sculpt and colour! :D
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    14. More glass display shelves or a beautiful bjd from Angell Studio. I always wanted to own at least 1 or 2 bjd from them but they are so damn expensive .
    15. I saved my pennies and bought what I said that I would buy the first time I answered this, so now I would get custom faceups done on all of my dolls from my favourite artists. I recently bought my first doll with a custom faceup and I am hooked.
    16. I’m glad to see that tooo. Maskcat’s dolls look elegant and cute at the same time. The 26 cm dolls are adorable. I cannot choose between them!
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    17. A Fairyland Celine minifee, and then a boatload of outfits! Maybe some doll furniture too...
    18. I'd finish paying of my LLT Roderich head, buy him an inexpensive but new body then start looking for a girl his size to buy used. That would spend about half. The rest I'd bank for spending on far more practical things than dolls. :P
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    19. Assuming it has to be BJD-related, I would get high-quality materials for doing faceups as well as some nice heads to practice on.
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    20. If I was given $1,000, I would buy the FallinDoll Force Fox doll in my Ebay cart, along Picco Neemo body I also have in the cart. Then I would try and figure out what else would buy with the remainder of the money. I don't think I'd be able to buy the other dolls I want with the rest of the money, lol.