1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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You're gifted $1000. What do you buy?

Feb 15, 2018

    1. Buy a +$1000 full doll. I have one in mind, but you can fill in the blank with whichever you think of, because they are all gorgeous and so out of reach at the moment realistically!
    2. Okay I know I'm on DoA but my first instinct was to say "a five-string bass guitar, so i can play [several songs which are impossible with the tuning of my current bass]" or "a set of fencing gear" because i have too many expensive hobbies. (And honestly, I could do both with that kind of money and still have some left over for a doll!)

      BUT if we're talking, you know, on-topic: I have a specific plan to get two full dolls and a body from Dream Valley and a head from Withdoll for a set of brothers who are my next priorities, and that's the majority of that grand! I might add in one more girl (also DV) too, and after shipping I suspect that would be all of it!

      (The dolls in question: DV Sylves, DV Achelous human head, DV 49 & 51cm bodies, Withdoll Kyle, DV Silina. I didn't plan to get a bunch of DV dolls but also they're gorgeous and suit the characters i'm shelling very nicely!)
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    3. I've thought about this one for awhile and my answer keeps changing. xD Do I stay responsible and get 2 DF-H 68 bodies for two heads I desperately want bodies for? (AS Anthony and Switch Hwayeon) Or....do I get that SD13 Williams fullset I've been staring at for over a month? I've low-key had Williams as my grail since pretty early into the hobby but could never justify his outrageous second hand price.*_* But if I had $1000 on hand....well. It might just be possible for once!

      Or I'd go far left field and get a Crobidoll Lance on the evolve body with faceup and spend the rest on custom clothing. xD You know, because that also makes sense. lol
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    4. Bodies for all floating heads, more Unoa faceplates, heeled feet and more hands for everyone and maybe I'll even swap out my sewing machine for one that sews really small stuff a little better.
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    5. I'd put out a wtb for a dreaming vampire shiwoo and cross my fingers!
    6. I would buy a Myou Daisy in coffee (blank doll), and then focus on outfits, wigs, and faceups! I plan to make wigs myself, so I’d get some nice mohair or alpaca fiber to work with. I’m still very new to the hobby, so my first and currently only doll is still staring at me blank, eyeless, wigless, and unclothed (though her eyes should be on the way any day now!), and I’d really like to make progress on her.
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    7. I'd probably get some bodies and shoes really xDD.
    8. minifee with feet and hands;
      makeup for this doll and some shoes for all my dolls.
    9. To say the truth If I am gifted 1000 cash I will probably save them for heating and electricity cause the prices are crazy but if let's say I was gifted coupons for bjd worth 1000 and had space I would either get a do dolls dream Ursula Eris or Natasha and Natalia of gem of doll and their mermaid 1/4 body
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    10. I can't buy any of the dolls I want even if I had $1000 because all the dolls I want are discontinued.
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    11. At this point . . . probably add it to the other thousand dollars I'm already willing to pay for Dollzone Keai and wave it around hoping and praying for results :roll:

      Me and my unrelenting passion for discontinued dolls, uuugh lmfao.
    12. Hm, as much as I have collected second hand because I like a lot of random old dolls and to catch a good bargain, I think with $1,000 for free I would want to support artists with direct purchases rather than tracking down one of my discontinued grails. I think I'd just enjoy that opportunity more than looking for a specific thing.
      Lillycat or a doll from Dollits come to mind for me first. There are plenty of dolls I never got to buy... It would be hard to pick. Or maybe just a really pretty body like the popo 64 I wanted forever and/or maybe just a years worth of many purchases of wigs, shoes, eyes, and particular clothes I never got to get and I refuse to bother making. :lol: seems like maybe this free $1k is already causing me more decision anxiety than good.
    13. Hm, difficult question. I think, I will first pay my layaway for a last doll I bought, to live without credit and dept. Then on the rest money I ll order SoulDoll Kid.:love
    14. Honestly, my immediate instinct was to comission a computer desk that fit the measurements I wanted perfectly but, I'm on DoA so... Hm...

      I can think of other dolls I would get but in terms of BJD... Maybe I would try to hunt down the first BJD I saw. $1000 should hopefully be able to get me Dream of Dolls Dream of Teen E-an fullset.
    15. Probably eyes first, actually, some of mine have been waiting a while. Then faceups. Then as many bodies as I could stretch the rest to cover.
    16. A giant dollhouse! Like one of those nine foot tall open faced ones that would pretty much dominate a wall. Then all the paint and stucco to deck the walls because I'm a fancy b!tch :whee:

      I pretty much have all the dolls I want and the furniture, I just need a beautiful shell to house it all! Assuming there's anything left over though, I wouldn't mind getting another kitty from Dearmine :D
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    17. Most likely either Iplehouse EID Asa with face up, wig, clothes and all ...

      ...or Dollzone Gray, Resinsoul Mi and a Resinsoul Yi body without the muscles.

      Loong Soul Yu Ze Style-A would be an option, too. Hmm ... tough decision. ^^;
      #517 Colocat, Feb 27, 2024
      Last edited: Feb 27, 2024
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    18. Dollstown Daisy on the 17 girl body and extra hands, blushing, etc. It's just about right accounting for €250 customs fees :...(
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    19. I'd commission someone to sew amazing clothes for all my dolls. :D (Probably buy a cute, tiny doll, too... <3)
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    20. Option 1 - Get Feeple Rozen. I love him but don’t collect SD’s yet, so a $1,000 gift would help me justify a foray into a new size.

      Option 2 - Buy shoes for all of my dolls and all of my friends’ dolls!!! They’re all so BAREFOOTED and I want OPTIONS!