1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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You're gifted $1000. What do you buy?

Feb 15, 2018

    1. I would buy all mia's babydoll
      Im a big fan of Mia!
    2. I'd spend a little on wigs and eyes, and I'd buy a full-frame camera to take pictures of my dolls.
    3. If I'm lucky enough to get to spend that money on dolls, I'd go straight to Volks FCS and get a WS F-61 Chiyo. I've wanted that doll for years :D
    4. I wouldn't spend that money on accessoires but rather buy a complete new doll with it. Probably one of the bigger ones (70cm) ...
    5. I will buy one 68cm doll, and many dolls outfits wigs eyes and supplies. If I still have leftovers, I will buy ZiQing from Mini House, It attracts me a lot by its cute little facewwww
    6. I'd get either an IOS 80cm Nebel or any of the 28M dolls from Dollshe, Honey Resin, extra parts.
    7. Mmm, probably either finally get Warren from RD or some other 70 cm doll. :)
    8. I'd either get a Unoa Zero Latea or get a Volks FCS SDGr boy. I'd get a FCS girl if they had the Graffiti body available.
    9. I will buy Soom Dia. Maybe. And many dolls outfits!:dance
    10. I'd be torn.

      The practical brain wants bodies. Bodies for my floating heads.

      The play brain wants Dust of Dolls Doom Bomi.

      This is the one time play brain might win the argument. I could still save up for those bodies. But that would be my best shot at Bomi.
      • x 1
    11. If it was a doll, I would buy a Volks Hikaru Genji, but 1000 USD would not cover him. So I would rather buy Freedomteller and Immortality of Soul full sets for my 3 boys.
    12. I would definitely buy a Volks doll! I don’t even have a character in mind, it’s just one of those dreams I have as a doll owner :D
    13. Charm Doll Ethan or Ring doll S.
    14. Honestly, I think I'd spend a bulk of it on clothes and accessories. That way, any doll I'd bring home would have an outfit waiting for them, plus extra. I could buy one of those cute doll sized clothes racks with hangers, and display all my goodies next to my dolls.
    15. I will buy a babylamb if someone sell or I will buy some clothes for them
    16. I'd buy a Crobidoll Yeonho ^^ I don't have a character to fit him... so it would have to be "excess" money I would use to buy him! Maybe someday!
    17. I’d buy additional heads for my girl Gisela who is my favorite doll. And crafting supplies like resin for eye making, wig making and doing face ups.
      I’d definitely buy at least one body for one of my floating heads.

      But first of all: I’d say thank you.
    18. Without a moments hesitation- Ringdoll Daniel-B fullset. He's been my ultimate dreamie for two years now! With the $300ish left over I would probably just get my existing dolls some really high quality outfits, since they are currently wearing a mix of hand sewn clothing and random pieces online when they ACBJD was having a sale.
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    19. I would upgrade my Volks F10 girl to a newer SD13 body with the double jointed arms plus some cool hands, and then spend the rest on a new camera. Bit dull, but that is what I would do :)
    20. maybe a fairyland feeple full set, or from souldoll