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ZuZu Delf Discussion Part 5

Nov 30, 2015

    1. Too bad, as I would love to get a Mong. Maybe someday as a fullset.

      My Fenny arrived and I was totally surprised as he came with a face up and body blush. I ordered him blank! I'm really happy with him and now need to figure out an outfit. What a surprise, thank you Luts!:dance
    2. Oh my goodness, that Mong is too too precious... I just recently found Mong and want him so badly, one of the characters I want to shell (the only one that isn't one of my original characters) is nicknamed Monkey, and his chibi form in the show has a little monkey nose like Mong and he even fights with a staff like the one Mong comes with and I'm absolutely overcome, I adore him. I'd love to have a regular version of that character and then a precious little chibi monkey version... All these little guys are so cute!
    3. I love the ZuZu Delf Frise. I bought a tan one too. I have to take pictures of him yet, but he's number four. I know it sounds a little crazy, but every time I see a ZuZu Delf Frise I want one. They're so cute!

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    4. Oooh, I love your collection of Frises, @Bubble Gum Goth ! :D

      I'm really looking forward to seeing photos of your tan one, as I have been considering this combination in the past myself.
    5. Frises are adorable. I think the sculpted hair looks great and it's so hard to find a wig that will properly fit their oddly shaped heads. At least, I have that problem with my Wolffy.
    6. Aww, Frise is so cute!! I have Bichon myself :D

      Finally took pictures of one of my Zuzu's, it's been too long! This is Risk, my little Mir, with two little pups. :)
      Kairi, Risk, & Zelda
      by Tina, on Flickr
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    7. @crazykimochi I am just dying over here over your picture! are the little dogs from luts as well? I love the accent colors on Risk :)
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    8. Thank you @ultrapandachan ! They're actually from Dearmine! I got them painted to look like my actual two Corgis :)

      Sandy version of Mir is my favorite Mir!
    9. I thought I had a corgi vibe from them! I have two tri copper headed corgis. I'll have to look into dearmine. I currently have a elleo corgi painted like my oldest.
    10. They're just precious! I think I saw your arrival thread. Your corgi's have beautiful face ups. I love your Mir too, such a cute sculpt.
    11. Yesyes!! I decided not to get one of the Elleo ones and hold out for a resin one! They're suuuuuuuuuuper cute!!

      Here's their big, fluffier counterparts: Zelda & Kairi

      Thank you!! The amazing Dybbuk painted them, she is amazing!! I was kicking myself before, I knew about Mir (Sandy) & Bichon (Iron Fan)'s release, I was active in the hobby much more back then, but I convinced myself I could do without them... Such a bad move! I was lucky to get that version of Mir, but I never found Bichon! I have her Queen version though, but Iron Fan had such a cute faceup and outfit!
    12. I had never seen the Iron Fan Frise, but the Frise are now basic, can't you order one that is white and have someone talented paint it for you? I had to look her up on Google to see what she looked like, she's very pretty. It looks like she may have had magnetic ears, is that right? The basics don't have those.
    13. @Bubble Gum Goth Yeah, I think that's why they named them Bichon, to pretty much say that Bichon has detachable ears, while Frise does not, even though they're the same sculpt! What's weird is they didn't do that with Wolffy nor Fenny, lol, so I can see a lot of confusion going on there xD

      I guess I'm a bit constant, while all my Fairyland dolls get custom faceups, all my Zuzu's have kept their LE faceups, so I'd like to keep it that way x)
    14. @crazykimochi *swoon* they're so adorable. Thank you for sharing. I will have to PM you for more information :)
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    15. Hi! I just wanted to share a picture of my Zuzu Woong! He still needs proper clothes.
    16. What wig size do the Zuzu Delfs wear. I've looked all over and haven't found an answer. I even look through the Luts discussion post and didn't see anything. I know these sculpts work with out wigs but really would like to figure this out.
    17. About 99% sure my Zuzu wears their CDW size, which is 6-7. I'm too lazy to do it right now, but just click on your (or any) Zuzu on their site to see which wig it's modeling. That will give you the code for the wig size. :)
    18. 6-7/CDW is correct! But I have found that some of them are looser than others but ZDFs won't fit anything smaller imo :)
    19. I've been looking to see a definitive size for the Zuzu head. I've looked all over. I know for the most part they can go without wigs but I want to make a wig but have not idea what wig size they are.
    20. Well, Zuzu Delfs are generally 19cm tall, which is pretty close to Tiny20 Delfs, and their heads are 15cm, or a bit under 6 inches. If you want to assume that the Zuzu Delf head circumference us about the same, then Zuzu Delfs would wear 5-6 wigs, which makes sense for a YoSD (or slightly smaller). I can't be 100% sure, because I don't have one and (like you've seen) the measurements don't appear to be posted anywhere, but I hope this helps until someone can give you something more definitive. :3nodding: