Planetdoll Tiny - 27-28cm

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PlanetDoll's tiny line consists of girls in 27cm and a boy in 28cm. PlanetDoll has allowed a boy body to be combined with an existing girl head.




Body Types



These are measurements taken from Planetdolls site and measurements made by forum members. Alternatively, see madaise's Tiny BJD Measurements Spreadsheet (off-site).

27cm Girls

Height 27cm 10.63"
Weight xxg xxlbs
Head circumference 11.5cm 4.53"
Neck circumference 5cm 1.97"
Shoulder Width 5cm 1.97"
Bust 10.5cm 4.13"
Neck to Wrist 8.89cm 3.5"
Shoulder to Wrist 8cm 3.15"
Shoulder to Base of Hand 8.5cm 3.35"
Elbow to Wrist xxcm xx"
Length of Back xxcm xx"
Waist circumference 9cm 3.54"
Hip circumference 12.5cm 4.92"
Hip to Knee xxcm xx"
Knee to Ankle xxcm xx"
Ankle circumference xxcm xx"
Feet Length 3.4cm 1.34"
Eye size 6*/ 8mm --
Wig size 4/5" --
  • only oval-shaped 6mm eyes will fit into Planetdolls eye sockets.

28cm Boys

Height 28cm 11.02"
Weight xxg xxlbs
Head circumference 11.7cm 4.60"
Neck circumference 5cm 1.97"
Shoulder Width 5.5cm 2.17"
Bust 10.5cm 4.13"
Neck to Wrist x.xxcm x.xx"
Shoulder to Wrist xcm x.xx"
Shoulder to Base of Hand x.xcm x.xx"
Elbow to Wrist xxcm xx"
Length of Back xxcm xx"
Waist circumference 10cm 3.54"
Hip circumference 12.5cm 4.92"
Hip to Knee xxcm xx"
Knee to Ankle xxcm xx"
Ankle circumference xxcm xx"
Feet Length 3.6cm 1.41"
Eye size 6*/ 8mm --
Wig size 4/5" --
  • only oval-shaped 6mm eyes will fit into Planetdolls eye sockets.

Shopping for PlanetDoll tinies (what fits/doesn't fit)

Clothes that don't fit:

  • Momoko (too small);
  • Ken clothes (often too big, but some might fit);

Hybrid Compatibility

Planetdoll allows any of their female heads to be put on Paul's boy body, if you write this down with your order.

Other hybrid possibilities are:

  • Resinsoul 27cm body [1] (whiteskin);

