
From Den of Angels BJD Wiki
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The 'Culture' of the BJD hobby can generally be broken down into three groups/types of people, but people can and will be a mix of the various groups (and these are gross generalizations).

Collectors People who buy BJDs due to their Monitary value.

  • Scalpers and Flippers, are generally grouped into the 'Collectors' area, and so Collectors can be seen in a negative light. There is NOTHING wrong with simply being a collector of BJDs.

Common 'Collector' activities include (but are not limited to):

         Collecting dolls purely for their Market Place Value.
         Collecting dolls due to their limited availablity.
         Collecting dolls all of a certain type (to create a 'collection').


  - People who buy BJDs for their Artistic value.
  Common 'Artists' activities include (but are not limited to):
         Having/Using BJDs as artistic models  (Photos, Drawings, etc...)
         Creating Art using BJDs (Modding, Customization, etc...)
         Using a BJD to display/model your art (Face-up Artists, Clothing Designers, etc...)


  - People who buy BJDs to be part of/into the Hobby/interaction of/with BJDs.
  Common 'Hobbiests' activites include (but are not limited to):
         'Playing' with your BJD.  (Dressing & Undressing the doll, etc...)
         Attending Meetups with other BJD Hobbiests
         Trading, Selling, Cleaning, Improving the doll, etc...

Information about various 'activities' in regards to BJDs:

-What to do before you buy your first BJD -Choosing the right BJD -Saving/Earning money for a BJD -What is a Doll Meetup (and how to find/host one)? -General Doll Etiquette -Travelling with a BJD -Shopping for BJDs/BJD Items. -Camera Tips & Tricks for Photographing BJDs