Bobobie 50cm

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Bobobie's 50cm line.

This 50cm mature line was launched in 2008/9. They feature highly stylised bodies and faces, with the girl bodies in particular being noticeably hourglass and anime-influenced, with a long torso, slender arms, tiny waist and large round breasts.

Luna was initially released as a Christmas doll at a low price, which was intended to go up after the Christmas sale. She was followed by Lotus, who had a more refined body sculpt and smaller breasts, and was more expensive; later releases of Luna featured the Lotus body, but remained at the early low price. Elliott, a male doll, was later released, and available exclusively through DoA member comicbookartistboi; he was only sold in limited quantities and is no longer available.








Girl body

  • Head circumference: 21cm
  • Shoulder width: 3cm
  • Chest circumference:21cm
  • Arm length:15.5cm (from shoulder to wrist)
  • Shoulder to Waist: 11cm
  • Waist circumference: 14cm
  • Hip circumference: 20cm
  • Length of thigh: 14cm
  • Length of leg: 12cm
  • Feet: 6.5cm

Please note that these are Luna's original measurements; the current body, which has a smaller bust, may have measurements that differ slightly.

Boy body

Eye size: 16mm