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Revision as of 06:11, 27 August 2016 by Rianne (Talk | contribs)

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Sueding is a term used for adding actual suede pieces to the inner joints of BJDs, but it can sometimes be other materials that add friction. The purpose is to allow the doll to pose better as suede adds friction for the limbs, allowing them to hold their positions more efficiently. Other methods may include adding wiring to enable the doll to hold more extreme poses.

Sueding is also sometimes used to refer to hot-glue sueding (in which only hot glue is used rather than suede). Both hot-glue sueding and silicon discs which fit into the joint and around the doll's elastic (sometimes called KIPS/kips) are alternatives to sueding. All sueding methods are intended to increase friction between the joints for better posing as well as (sometimes) protection of the joints during movement.

Required Items

Items required for sueding:

  • Glue or a form of strong adhesive
  • Scissors
  • Suede pieces


  • Decent for most poses and in some cases more extreme poses (depending weight of the doll's limbs or structure)
  • When the pieces are shaped right, you won't see the suede, at all
  • Is not harsh on the resin
  • Fairly easy to apply, when the doll is unstrung


  • Depending on the suede color, it may discolor the resin
  • Depending on the glue used, it may or may not be easy for future removal
  • Does not help with more extreme poses on most heavier dolls
  • If not done properly or have the proper thickness, the joints can look more separate or the suede can be seen