Yo Super Dollfie

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Yo Super Dollfie, or Yo-SD, are 26.5cm dolls produced by Volks. They are the smallest Super Dollfies available for purchase and have only been released in Limited Editions. The word "Yo" means "baby" and proportionally the Yo-SDs are supposed to look like toddlers in comparison to their other lines.

Yo-SD usually are released in pairs of the same mold, one boy and one girl each with a different faceup. There have been some special releases related to story arcs or standard doll counterpart that only have one gender. Other than Special Events and Dolpas, another method purchasing YoSD is as a Dream FCS.

Body types

Volks has released Yo-SD in the following bodies:


Tenshi Sculpts

On Origin body:

to be added

Limited Versions based on Standars models

Fullset releases

External Links