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*8 '''wrenbe''' Happy Body glamorous unassembled package x2 - PIF (combined with October order for shipping)
*8 '''wrenbe''' Happy Body glamorous unassembled package x2 - PIF (combined with October order for shipping)
*19 '''Takhisis''' Bellosse head, NS, blank, PIF
*19 '''Takhisis''' Bellosse head, NS, blank, PIF
==April 2018==
*1 "CorpseOfBeauty" Bellosse head

Revision as of 15:02, 9 May 2018

Entries must include at least one doll/head bought directly from the company or an authorized dealer.
Keep entries short & remember to add shipped date and/or arrival date when applicable.

Color Codes:  
'''Jan 30''' (for bold)
<font color="FF0000">'''Jan 30'''</font> (for bold red)
<font color="00AA00">'''Jan 30'''</font> (for bold green)

You may remove: Arrival dates older than 1 YEAR; shipping dates that haven't updated as received in over 1 YEAR.


  • Order Date = Day of the month you ordered.
  • DL = Doll Line (Love, Happy, etc.).
  • Sculpt = Sculpt Name
  • Resin Color: NS or WS
  • w/F= Face-Up
  • LA = Layaway
  • * = Head Only
  • PIF = Paid in full
  • Bold Black: Your Username
  • Bold Red: Shipping Date
  • Bold Green: Arrival Date


  • Order Date Username DL, Sculpt, Resin Color, Faceup? Head Only? -- STATUS (RED=SHIPPED; GREEN=ARRIVED)

August 2016

  • 9 glyndon Happy Larina (half-closed-eye) - PIF 9/21/2016
  • 11 Karleecakes Happy Flowne - PIF 10/05/2016 10/10/2016
  • 11 Zerkala Love Kassia (full) + Bellosse head PIF
  • 11 RaineFournier Love Azelia* + Happy girl body unassembled - PIF 30/08/16 03/09/16
  • 11 Hyperion Happy Larina half closed eyes* + Happy Laia* - PIF 21/09/16
  • 11 Gelfling Happy Jullis + Ace -- PIF 09/29/16 10/4/2016
  • 12 Cydril Happy Miru* + Annabeth* + 2xHappy new boy body V2 NS-- PIF 10/11/16 10/15/16
  • 12 austen Love Bellosse + Love Kassia + Love Kassia half-closed eyes* + Love Odile* + Love Marcellina* + Love Lestia* + Love Leonora* + Happy Benetia* + Happy Benetia half-closed eyes* - PIF
  • 12 HighPriestessIce, Love, Terrence*, Blank. PIF
  • 12 Marvel Happy Flowne Head - PIF 08/15/16
  • 12 FastFeet Happy Julius*-PIF 12/09/16 22/09/16
  • 13 Gibbaba Happy Laia* NS -- PIF
  • 13 Cyador Happy Lucinda*, Laia* & Gayane* + Love Bellosse* + Happy glamorous body kit* - PIF 13/10/16 20/10/16
  • 13 Sadomina Happy Luria* + Happy Ace* + Happy girl body unassambled. PIF 26/10/16
  • 13 blukissed Sweet Trisha + Happy Gayane* - PIF 10/23/16 10/29/16
  • 13 goldiewing Happy Larina (open-eyed) - PIF
  • 13 BuildingBridges Happy Flowne (Elf) NS w/F -- PIF 11/17/16 11/25/2016
  • 13 Zoebunny Happy Larina half closed eyes + Sweet Chloe + Sweet Trisha + Happy Miru + Happy Laia + Larina* - PIF 10/21/16 10/31/16
  • 13 Drakoshka Happy Larina + Happy Benetia* + Love body Unassembled - PIF 11/07/16 11/11/16
  • 14 Tragedy love Kassia*,Love Bellosse*,Love Kassia hce*,Love Bellosse hce*-all blank-PIF- 10/25/16 11/01/16
  • 14 MissEmily Love Anneliese* + Love Bellosse* + Love body unassembled + Happy Ace (full) x2 + Happy Flowne* + Sweet Aria* x2 + Sweet Trisha* half-closed eyes + Sweet Chloe* + Sweet Primrose* --PIF 11/3/16 (Package 1 of 2) 11/7/16 (Package 2 of 2) 11/8/16 (1 of 2, Missing neckpiece) 11/14/16 (2 of 2) 11/23/16 (missing piece)
  • 14 DreamSight Sweet Aria + Sweet Trisha half opened eyes NS, no faceup -- PIF 24/10/2016 3/11/2016
  • 14 Milkyselenite Happy Laia* + Happy Jullis -- LA (Payment 2 of 2), PIF 9/2 11/2/16 11/7/16
  • 14 redfeathers Happy Larina (half-closed eyes), Happy Flowne NS*, Happy Gayane*, Love Azelia*, n/f PIF 10/23/16 10/26/16
  • 14 Rakun Happy Larina (half closed eyes)* + Happy Girl Body Unassembled No Faceups - PIF 10/17/16 10/21/16
  • 15 ashcatdesu Happy Ace head NS n/f PIF 8/30/16 9/3/16
  • 15 wrenbe Happy Luria, NS, no faceup, PIF 10/24/16 10/28/16
  • 15 Mellu Benetia Half-closed eyes head, NS, no faceup + Happy body unassembled - 10/05/16 10/12/16
  • 15 AlisonVonderland Love Azelia*, Love Anneliese,* Love body unassembled -PIF, no face-ups 09/29/16 10/3/16
  • 15 Syoko Happy Flowen (Elf)(Full Doll), NS, no Face Up, PIF 11/14/16 12/05/16
  • 15 Cease Sweet Trisha half-closed eyes no face up - PIF 10/24/16 10/29/2016
  • 15 rara Happy Flowne (Elf, full doll) NS, No Faceup PIF 11/2/16 11/8/2016
  • 16 Jany Love Marcellina*, Lestia*, unassembled body kit; Happy Annabeth*, unassembled new girl body PIF 11/12/16 11/29/16
  • 16 Vixen Love Bellosse*, Happy Annabeth no faceups - PIF
  • 16 WraithMinerva D.I.M. Happy Larina*, Unassembled Happy Body, D.I.M. Love Lestia. 10/24/2016 10/29/2016

September 2016

  • 2 Kymera Happy Larina Half-closed eyes head, NS, no faceup, (originally ordered 8/16), Love Lestia head, NS, no faceup, PIF - 09/20/16 09/24/16
  • 24 Evelien Love Lestia head, NS, no faceup, PIF - 10/19/16 10/26/16

November 2016

  • 13 glyndon Love Lestia* no faceup, Love body unassembled - PIF 12/02/16 12/07/16
  • 14 blukissed Love Kassia*, Happy Larina* NS, Happy Miru* - PIF 12/01/16 12/07/16
  • 14 Arkelle Happy Annabeth*, Unassembled Happy body - PIF 1/12/16
  • 14 Anemeijereja Love Lestia*, Happy Larina* NS, Happy Annabeth*, Unassembled Happy body - PIF 25/11/16 28/11/16
  • 14 Marha Happy Flowne* x4 NS, Flowne* WS, Benitia* NS, Larina ND, Larina NS Glamorous body - PIF
  • 15 Dollhausen Love Bellosse half closed eyes, NS, Unassembled Love body - PIF 12/22/16
  • 15 Hime_Takamura Happy Flowne Elf*, WS, No faceup, - PIF 11/24/16 11/29/16
  • 16 Cydril Happy Laia Open eyes* NS - PIF 12/22/16 12/31/16
  • 16 mangameow Happy Flowne*, Jullis*, Ace*, Unassembled Happy boy body V2, no faceups - LA 2/3/17 2/6/17
  • 17 Jany Happy Gayane*, unassembled Happy boy body v1 - PIF 01/11/17 01/14/17
  • 18 Galileo Happy Ace, NS, No faceup - PIF 12/23/16 12/28/16
  • 20 Nemeith Happy Ace*, Morningdew H*, NS, No faceup - PIF 19/12/16 23/12/16
  • 20 Updateme Happy Larina closed eyes, NS, No faceup, Boy body v2 - PIF (Re-ordered due to mistake) 05/01/17 09/01/17
  • 21 Hyperion Love Azelia*, Love Body Unassembled - PIF 11/01/17 16/01/17
  • 24 ashcatdesu Happy Unassembled New Boy Body 1 ver - PIF 01/25/17 1/30/17
  • 28 hellomagpie Happy Larina (open eyes), NS, No faceup - PIF 02/02/17 02/07/17

December 2016

  • 2 blukissed Love Gretl*, WS, blank - PIF 01/04/17 01/11/17
  • 4 Kymera Happy Larina & Happy Flowne, NS, blank - PIF 01/12/17 01/17/17

September 2017

  • 14 QAJenova Happy Larina* WS - PIF 10/23/2017 10/29/2017

October 2017

  • 1 plm0331 Happy Larina* & Happy Flowne*, NS, blank - PIF
  • 6 wrenbe Happy Fowne head, Happy Larina head NS blank - PIF (combined with November order for shipping)

November 2017

  • 8 wrenbe Happy Body glamorous unassembled package x2 - PIF (combined with October order for shipping)
  • 19 Takhisis Bellosse head, NS, blank, PIF

April 2018

  • 1 "CorpseOfBeauty" Bellosse head