Soom Super Gem Puss in Boots

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Soom's limited edition monthly doll, Puss in Boots was the fifth MD to be released in 2013 and is the only doll in the Puss in Boots series.

Order Period

From April 4th until April 18th 2013.

Fantasy parts and options


  • Super Gem human male body type (Brown Tan)
  • Owner's Guide and Certificate of Authenticity

Options: Option set 1:

  • Cat head
  • Cat ears
  • Cat chest
  • Regular cat hands
  • Cat tail

Option set 2:

  • Sword cat right hand (one unit)
  • Sword (3 parts: blade, hilt, guard)
  • Face up LE
  • Body Blushing (LE)
  • Soom Eyes (14mm) human: N13 Nightflower/ cat: LE odd eyes
  • Wig: synthetic LE
  • Outfit LE: hat, coat, vest, ruffle choker, sleeveless shirt, pants, waist belt
  • Cat hat (can be ordered if option set 1 is selected)
  • Boots LE

A warning was put up about the Brown Tan resin stating that it may be subject to marbling
Removing seams option was not offered by Soom due to their policy.

Story Line

"Now, though the young man did not much depend upon the cat's words,
still he though it rather surprising that a cat should speak at all."

"When the at got his boots,
he drew them on with a grand air,
and slinging his sack over his shoulder,
and drawing the cords of it round his neck,
he marched bravely to a rabbit warren hard by,
with which he was well acquainted."

"Before the banquet was over,
the King, charmed with the good qualities of the Marquis of Carabas,
said, bowing across the table at which the princess and the miller's son were talking very confidentially together:
It rests with you, marquis, whether you will marry my daughter."

"As for the cat, he became at once a great lord,
and had nevermore any need to run after mice,
except for his own diversion."

External Links