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Lillycat Cerisedolls Discussion ~ 2

Jan 25, 2018

    1. Hi, everyone! I preemptively ordered a wig for my Deavon and the wigmaker needs some measurements and I was wondering if someone could help me out!

      1 head circumference (circle,girth) from the hairline to the bottom of the neck.
      2- circumference (circle,girth) from the hairline to the middle of the nape.
      3 - length from the hairline to the bottom of the nape.
      4 - length from one ear to another ear through top of the head.
      5 Width of the forehead.

      As well as a required picture which I hope you can see. I'm an artist and wouldn't mind drawing something for you as payment if you wouldn't mind helping me out! You can find my work on instagram @ shinkiies or on tumblr under the same name if you'd like to see beforehand. I hope it's ok to post all of this here!!
    2. Cynthia in FlintHills,
      Thank you, for this doll you want to make beautiful things and clothes. But I knitted a swimsuit without a scheme and description. (((
    3. Please disregard this post here, I made a mistake its a mini not a large doll. I'm sorry :sorry

      Hello everyone here!
      I am awaiting my first Lillycat doll, it's Amy in Marron Glace and I am looking forward to see her soon.
      The order changed to being prepared last week so I hope it won't belong now anymore ^-^
      Are more of you awaiting for an Amy or another doll from her?
      #83 Nymphadora, Jul 22, 2019
      Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
    4. Hooray, congratulations! I didn't realize Lillycat had released a large version of Amy. Is she on the Lune body (like Lyse and the original Ellana) or the newer Plum body?
    5. ohhh no wait.. I think I made a mistake. I am so sorry I didn't realized it was large dolls here :doh
      your answer made me confused and I looked again and yea know I see the gray writing says large dolls. I am still quite knew to froums I'm sorry, can I delete my post? I will look or edit it, sorry again :frownyblush:
    6. Oh, it's no problem at all--you don't need to delete your post! But you'll find the discussion for Lillycat minis here: Cerisedolls Mini Discussion part 3

      Darn. I thought there might be a new & exciting development, like when Lillycat upsized Ninon to the larger scale. :...( ;)
      • x 1
    7. Hi, I recently got a lillycat Elanna in pink tan secondhand. I'm wondering what are the differences between the regular and plum body? Does anyone have a comparison picture?
      I'm so happy to have her. I was shaking when I was unwrapping her from the bubble wrap. Lol.
    8. Congratulations on your Ellana! I adore mine--Lillycat's girls have so much personality.

      There's a side-by-side comparison photo of the Lune and Plum bodies on Lillycat's website. (Scroll down, past the Plum body measurements and clothed pictures): Ninon Plum – Pink tan | Lillycat | Independent dollmaker

      Plum: Tall : 58cm
      Head circumference : 20cm
      Neck circumference : 8cm
      Chest circumference : 17cm
      Waist circumference : 17cm
      Hips circumference : 28cm
      Leg length : 28cm
      Arm length : 15,5cm
      Eyes size : 12/13mm
      Foot size : length 7cm – width 2.8cm

      Lune: Tall : 57.5cm
      Head circumference : 20.5cm
      Neck circumference : 8cm
      Chest circumference : 16cm
      Waist circumference : 12cm
      Hips circumference : 25cm
      Leg length : 29.5cm
      Arm length : 16,5cm
      Eyes size : 12mm
      Foot size : length 6.5cm

      More pictures of the original (Lune) body are on this page: Lyse – Caramel | Lillycat | Independent dollmaker
      #88 Cynthia in FlintHills, Jul 23, 2019
      Last edited: Jul 23, 2019
    9. @Cynthia in FlintHills Wow, thanks for your response. I did not find those pictures!

      They really are lovely. Now I would like to get a Lyse as well, or even Elanna in a different color. In the very distant future. Thanks again!
    10. Thank you very much! Aw no I'm sorry if I got you excited :sweat
    11. [​IMG]

      A picture in appreciation of Cerisedolls Ellana :)

      I recently got my gorgeous peach skin Ellana with the default faceup. She has no wig or clothes yet so... here’s a picture of her face only :XD: It’s a photo and I photoshopped out the background. It reminds me of those chalk portraits done on pastel paper.
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    12. Hi there ! I am getting a Lillycat Ninon soon, and I would love some advices on where to find her clothes, and wigs.
      I'm pretty new in BJDs but had some pullips so I already know a few wigs websites: Leeke, Crobidoll, Luts, Formydoll.... haven't found quiet what I wanted. I'm looking for a wig without bangs and there are a LOTS of wigs with them on these websites.
      For clothes, I'm a bit lost about what size should I be looking for ? I'm looking for casual clothes mostly, but any advice is welcomed !
      I hope I'm posting this in the good place....
    13. I thought the same thing, and now I'm casually looking for one. I really only like Ellana, though I've seen some Lyse's that were also lovely. Her face is a bit....too odd for me, though. I see me with a whole herd of Ellana's, I really want a grey, but am looking at a dark tan as she's the only one out there right now. I see them as my unicorn girls, honestly. There is really something different and amazing about them, and I am looking forward to having them in my collection.
      • x 1
    14. Hello! Does anyone know of any bjd doll shoes brands that will fit the flat foot version of Lillycat Lyse? I looked on Etsy and was not able to find any on there. Thank you for your help.
    15. I too would love to know where to get heels for my girl. She came with the molded heels, but I would love to have her in heels and nylons.
    16. I had rRabit shoes on which had small heel and high heeled shoes from ebay. Both of those were up to ankle so the standing with them wasn't issue.
    17. Ordered Lilas, about 40 cm tall, just the other day, now thinking of what she is going to wear.
      There is a trousers tutorial on DoA, but does anyone have a basic pattern for a top or something? Her body is of a different shape to other bjds(((
    18. Sounds like she is a mini if she's 40 cm? Congrats! They are a different shape but so much fun!
      • x 1
    19. Thank you
      There were smaller dolls than her. She is of the FID size a bit over 40cm, 42 or 43, i do not remember, she will come in august or September.
      Do you know if they are posing well?