1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Loongsoul 1/3 doll discussion Part 5

Jul 29, 2021

    1. LS new doll... They really need to slow down a bit... It's like they release a new doll every month :...(
      For some reason, this new doll's face sculpt remind me of Xuandi or a couple of LS's latest dolls (I could be wrong though, as this pic is way too small to clearly see his face), but he is gorgeous nonetheless and can't wait to see all the official promo pics...


      ------ Added notes ------

      This is Loongsoul Doll 1/3 doll discussion thread.

      Loongsoul website: loongsouldoll 龙魂bjd
      Introduction of Loongsoul Doll

      * LoongSoul Doll Announcement (Warning about Copied dolls)

      * DoA Wiki: Loongsoul
      * DoA database: Souls of a Dragon

      * Resin and size comparison thread: Link

      Skin colors comparison:


      Previous discussion threads:
      * Part 1
      * Part 2
      * Part 3
      * Part 4
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    2. He's gorgeous. But to be honest... I'd be happy if they released a photobook with their promo pictures. I love their dolls for sure, but the pictures are breathtaking.
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    3. I'd totally buy it! I'm still waiting for my first doll from Loong Soul but have been admiring their photographs for a long time.
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    4. Same about the photobook. Maybe each and everyone should write LS and suggest interest in it and they'd do a print version. I remember there used to be postcards with some of the promo pics in the past, but don't know if they still do that. (And I'd absolutly totally want a proper Artbook regardless *0*)
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    5. I am in too got the photobook !
    6. hopefully the making time will not be 12-14 months for that one ! I got turn down buy the last doll because of the waiting time ! So much can happen in one year lol !

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    7. My Mu Zheng is shipping! He might live in his box for a very long time since he's blank, but I can't wait to see him
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    8. Does anyone have pictures of the most recent 73cm body? I've been looking for owner pictures but can't really find any, most seem to prefer the older version. :sweat
    9. I have the new 73-03 body with the 2part torso! I've been trying to figure out flickr but my albums don't seem to be working so please let me know if this link doesn't work either. :sweat
      The lighting isn't consistent across the photos since it's partially cloudy today but I hope those help!

      If anyone has both the new 73-03 body and the old 73-02 body, how different are the wrists between the two? I originally ordered my Yuze with jointed hands through Alice's Collections but Loongsoul informed Alice's that the 73cm jointed hands are incompatible with the new body so I didn't end up getting them.
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    10. Thank you so much for taking these pictures! That’s a great help! :D
      He looks like a pretty good poser. Is he able to stand on his on own very well?

      Also good to know that the jointed hands don’t work with the new body, I was actually considering to get them but in that case I’ll pass.
    11. No problem! It was fun to see what he could do! ^^ He can stand on his own but he's more likely to lose his balance compared to my MSDs. I'm too worried to leave him standing alone for long :sweat It could be his stringing though! My roommate's Alioth is also on the new body and he seemed a lot more solid standing alone than my Yuze.
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    12. Yeah, really sounds like it could be because of his stringing! I only have one other SD doll but he needs to be very balanced out as well and I wouldn't leave him standing alone either. :sweat

      He looks amazing! :D
    13. @bickazer Wow. He's not only stunning, but you also set him up so lovely. That's photography skills that make up a pic that could be straight form Loongsouls shop!

      Also, I'd like to share that my Jiao Mu Jiao girl shipped early!
      I'd been expecting a waittime of at least 6 months, but she's taken less than 4 since ordering day!
      Really excited to get her. And for the shipping note to come today, when I've been slaving away for the last three weeks for an event at work, that has definitly given me a few gray hairs, this feels like such a special rewards -^3^-
    14. I just got a shipping notice this morning from NewClover-Singing that my Xuanlong shipped! I'm hoping he doesn't take as long as my last order through her, which meandered for 48 days in transit x.x
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    15. Hope it's okay to post this hybrid with Loongsoul 73cm body in the Loongsoul outfit I just got from Legend Doll. So beautiful!!! Legend Doll had a size option for 73cm that LS didn't.
      [​IMG]Feiyu’s drama by Kathy Puckett, on Flickr
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    16. @Mahgiep Certainly picked a cool outfit for your guy :D

      I'm also really happy to read about all those shipping notes. Soon we'll have an influx of new dolls to appreciate -^3^-
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    17. The new doll Ying Zhou is listed for preorder now. Is anyone here thinking of getting him?
    18. @Ceresta and @Snowy Thanks so much! And omg, the pic could come straight from Loongsoul? :D Ahhh that's such high praise, I'm blushing so hard. :whee: I still don't think my photography is up to pro levels yet, but I do think I've improved a lot this past year!

      @IzabethS Ooh, I hope your Xuanlong doesn't take that long to get to you! :o Please share lots of pics when he comes, I feel like I've seen quite a few Xuandis but not so much the dragon version yet. ;)

      Ying Zhou is super handsome! Though I'm already happy just with one Loongsoul fullset, and I actually think I'm done with buying new dolls for now. But I'll be interested to see owner pics of him eventually~
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    19. @bickazer thanks I hope so too! I've seen at least 1 or 2 of the dragon versions on IG so far, but I think it's been all the french black ones. Mine is in the brown tan. His second box shipped a day after the first, so his parts will arrive separately. I am really curious which box contains what and which one will arrive first! According to the tracking, the first box is 6.98kg and the second is 6.90, so I really wonder just how heavy the put together doll is :aeyepop:
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