1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Mature 1/6 Dolls - part 3

Mar 3, 2020

    1. Moderation Note~

      Only On Topic dolls can be discussed in this thread.

      In going over a different forum issue, I've come across first mentions of brands that have not been declared On Topic in this discussion thread.
      Finding a new brand on a dealer site that sells other on topic dolls doesn't mean everything they sell will be on topic. Finding a new brand on other social media doesn't mean it has made it's way to DoA.

      The forum staff cannot be everywhere at all times, so we do not always see when new brands are brought up for the first time.
      We ask that forum members, upon discovering a new doll, do a quick search for any mention of it here.

      If the only reference you see is in this thread, or you only find one other mention, it's pretty safe to assume it has not been approved yet. We then ask you to take the next step, come to Ask the Mods and tell us everything you can about the sculpt and/or brand. Provide any links you can. Then we can do a quick assessment.

      3D printed dolls are Off Topic. Do not talk about them outside of Brigadoon. I will close this thread for a short period so everyone can take time to read this.

      Thank you~
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    2. @SteamWitch He looks great! I have a lot of Granado guys but I haven't gotten a tan one yet. It doesn't look very dark. I may have to try a tan one.
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    3. It's a pretty color and a very natural tan look.
    4. Oh he looks BEAUTIFUL! I still haven't painted my Shadow... oops. I keep waffling on what to do with him. Luckily he's small so I'm not pressed for space, at least.
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    5. Thank you! Yes, so small, I'm not in a hurry to get him a body.
      Thank you!
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    6. Whitedoll is on-topic! :dance

      The only thing stopping me from having more is Dolly Planet telling me the whitedoll girl one didn't reach minimum viable orders :...( Also money :chomp:

      The only thing bad about mature tinies is that I am often zoomed in so much it makes me realize how dusty my room is. My gaming computer with a window also getting full of dust every other week is :aeyepop: I need to get one of those air purifiers.

      Everyone is kind of a WIP. Tiny wigmaking and wanting custom eyes is slow going.

      Left to right:

      Whitedoll 31CM 1.0 (dyed, with male-to-female chest mod, using granado hands), Granado Adagio 2 in windfresh with my self-sculpted head at the moment he's normally a Granado Abel, Whitedoll 29cm (dyed), Whitedoll Mini Tree with 31CM 2.0 Body (milk tea skin), Asleep Eidolon DingDang (dyed), Whitedoll 31cm 4.0 (milk tea skin, modded head)


      My handsome gremlin


      Some color comparisons of whitedoll tan to granado skin tones



      Whitedoll's milk tea tan doesn't match any of the granado colors I've got.

      Granado's tan matches Whitedoll tan in a very "depends on the lighting" kind of way. How light/dark it looks really varies.
      #828 zekarmisama, Aug 10, 2024
      Last edited: Aug 10, 2024
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    7. Can anyone help me with a shoe search? This girl has 3.1cm feet, a real challenge. (Missmiandolls/WhisperingGarden Ling)

      #829 pinkandyellow, Aug 29, 2024
      Last edited: Aug 29, 2024
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    8. Oh, I was just looking at this girl! Do you know what kinds of clothing fit her?
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    9. Action figure girl boots should work! And some shoes for flat feet as well, if the toe box isn't too narrow.
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    10. Not sure about tops, but I just bought some YOSD underwear from nine9 style for her and they fit perfectly! There's also some clothing specifically for her available on Luladoll right now, though it's a bit limited in terms of different styles.

      EDIT: I have a Luludao girl who seemed to be a similar size, so I tried the dress I bought for her (from the Luludao website) on Ling. It fits well, except for the length (the dress has a mini skirt, and Ling seems to have a slightly longer torso, so her bottom half was a bit visible) so I think that the longer dresses and tops from the Luludaodoll website would also work. I would attach pics but when I tried earlier they weren't working T.T If I can figure it out I'll do another edit with comparison pics if that would be helpful
      #832 prophet, Sep 1, 2024
      Last edited: Sep 4, 2024
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    11. @prophet I have Ling and I can't imagine YOSD undies fitting her. Do you have the link to the ones you ordered?
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    12. For anyone who is waiting to get an order home: I was told, that the current wait time is around 5-6 months. I ordered during the event: body + free gift head (Bettina)

      Just thought to share it here.
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    13. I bought them in person at the store in Seoul, not online, so I don't have a link; I'm sorry. The person at checkout confirmed the sizes of everything before she sold it to me, though, and she definitely said the underwear are YOSD sized.
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    14. Question for you all. Does MGA Miniverse objects work for your mature 1/6 dolls? Or are they too small? The Harry Potter potions are very tempting as I want my dolls to have all the magical stuff but the Lord of the Rings ones look too small. Anyone have any experience with the miniverse props?
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    15. They're really variable, honestly. Some are way oversized and some work--they're not really in scale with each other. I think a LOT of them work, but not all. I can't speak specifically to the potions series because I don't have any, but I actually think the danger is being too big versus too small for those.
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    16. @Idoru Ah okay. If they're too big, they would work well for MSD or SD...but mini makes me think of 1/6...
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    17. In addition to the size being variable, I do think you're getting extra bad value with that particular set (the HP one). Many of the inclusions are similar or identical to miniature potions and mini halloween decorations that have been available for pennies for years (maybe even decades).

      Probably genuinely better to wait until seasonal items start showing up in your local stores, and you're bound to find a couple of things that would work better (and probably for cheaper)!
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    18. Others have already said this already but they do vary. The majority that I've seen are closest to 1/6 though. The youtube channel myfroggystuff reviews a lot of those and shows them with barbie dolls if that is helpful reference.


      Here is one of the lord of the rings swords with Lilia who is 20cm tall, so she's more of a mature 1/8
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