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Minifee (MNF) Shoe Database

Dec 30, 2010

    1. @xenagirl83 I'm sure you're looking for the long boots but Luts has these Model delf shoes.

      If they are similar size to those Model delf shoes I have they should fit for Minifee nicely. Can't say for sure of course since I don't have a pair (yet).
    2. Thanks for the hard work. Finding 5.5 cm shoes is a real chore!
    3. Everyone's standards of good shoes is different, but based on the inner length posted, 6.5 cm, I would personally not dish out money for those to put on my Minifees. Not, unless I seriously loved them. I've got a few shoes whose inner length was posted as 6cm and they are already as loose as I can tolerate. Of course I'm a bit obsessive compulsive about scale, so don't let that stop anyone who wants them.
    4. @Elcia Each to their own, that would be a good enough fit for me, they will be loose if the foot length is 5,5cm but I can live with that if I can't find anything else. :D I hope companies will answer to our plea to make smaller and slimmer shoes for Minifee. My other dolls have plenty of shoes but Minifee seriously lack of them.
    5. Although I find that my Little Girl from Little Monica has much larger feet than the MNF, the shoes I got from Little Monica are the only ones in my collection that look good on my MNF! I'm considering getting more for my MNF. (my minifee is A-Line)
    6. I don't know if this was answered before but Leekeworld D shoes occationally fit moe girl feet. As long as the opening is wide enough. So sandals are fine.

      [​IMG]IMGP3524 by Scarf Queen, on Flickr

      While these shoes were less than a millimeter away from wedging on.

      [​IMG]IMGP3461 by Scarf Queen, on Flickr

      Sadly they appear to not be selling the sandals any more. ;_;
      • x 1
    7. Can somebody try any brand of Yosd-shoes on MNF Moe-Line feet?
      I got my new Moe Doll last week but none of my (slim-)MSD-Shoes or other fitting shoes for normal MNF do fit ._.
      The feet are so super-small...
    8. eBay-Artikelnummer:
      Can one tell if the shoes at Minifee / Chloe Moline fit me?
    9. Honey Delf shoes do not fit. I tried larger YoSD shoes and they did work but I completely forget the brand. Length is easy to check but the darn width. >.<
    10. Hmm, i just got 22"Tonner American Model shoes, and they are too big :( I tought they are very good fit..? Ellowyne ones are too small right?
    11. the 22 model shoes are usually the best fit you will find for high heeled feet, though they aren't perfect. ellowyne shoes are much too small
    12. These pre-order Bunny Nine shoes from Nine9 Style are 5.7 in length, so I'd think they'd fit active line feet really well! The YoSD version of these shoes are 5cm, so they'd probably be good on moe line feet! They're really cute and come in a couple different colors.

      Nine9 Style (clothes of ball jointed doll, BJD)
    13. Volks YoSD, IH BID, and FL LTF dolls are all in my collection and they all can share shoes. No YoSD size shoes I have for those dolls will fit on FL MNF Moe girl feet. I own a lot of YoSD size shoes but don't own any Nine9 Style YoSD size shoes to try on for you.

      Although it has been posted once in awhile that YoSD size shoes fit on Moe girl, as I recall they were brands that ran large and not standard YoSD size. I did try a pair of larger than standard YoSD size boots on my Moe girl. Got them on but getting the foot that came off in the boot out of the boot was a nightmare.

      Looking at a comparison picture of a Volks YoSD foot and Moe girl foot, one can see that the probability of standard YoSD size footwear fitting Moe girl and not being a problem to get off is unlikely.


      Although the angle of the photograph gives the impression that the heels of all the feet are not aligned equally, I assure you they were precisely lined up.

      Last year in May I posted to this thread about Nine9 Style Bunny shoes fitting the Moe girl nicely:
      Minifee (MNF) Shoe Database

      In addition to those I posted pictures of, I also have the following Nine9 Style Bunny shoes and they fit the Moe girl. The Bunny Students and Slip-on also fit the Moe boy foot.

      Nine9 Style Bunny Matte Mary Jane is 5.8 x 2.4 cm

      Nine9 Style Bunny Students loafers 6.0 x 3.0 cm

      Nine9 Style Bunny Slip-On 6.1 x 2.4 cm

      NONE of the Nine9 Style Bunny shoes I own come any where near fitting on the MNF Active line foot.

      Nine9 Style is no longer selling the Bunny Nine dolls or the Bunny Nine size of shoes.
      #233 passionasfashion, May 8, 2016
      Last edited: Jul 4, 2017
      • x 3
    14. Oh well, it was a nice thought!
    15. I'm going through my shoes to see what fits my new moe girl... Almost nothing :doh

      I found some old yosd size shoes I bought a while ago at juju's doll mall. Sneakers are narrow in the back and wide in front. Saddle shoes are wide front/back.

      At least she has some footwear for now lol


      EDIT: I've to note there's no problem taking the shoes on off. I hate when the foot detaches with the shoes... Just like Littlefee lol
    16. I just got this adorable pair of shoes from the etsy shop summomo82!
      (sorry for my messy table)
      Here's a close-up!! My girl is active line but the shop has shoes for moe line available!
      They are super adorable and fit like a glove!! 10/10 stars would recommend!! (not sure if others have posted about her shoes because 12 pages is a lot to go through :kitty1)
      • x 2
    17. Hey there!

      Anyone knows if these would fit A-Line? The stated measures are: inner length – 5.5cm, inner width – 2.2cm
      1/3 1/4 BJD SD MSD shoes

      I have seen that pair in other stores (like DollMansion) and they put different measures.

      And this pair? It should not fit A-line, because the measures are inner length – 5cm, inner width – 2.2cm:
      1/3 1/4 BJD SD MSD shoes -four colors available
    18. @Musume I'm affraid both pairs may be a bit too bulky. These shoes are deep, and the MNF feet are very flat. You might be fine with them using thick socks but if you're after the best possible fit I doubt you'll be happy with those. I hope that helps.