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(January 2024)
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RP=RealPuki | PP=PukiPuki | PKF=PukiFee | RLF=RealFee | LTFB=LittleFee Baby | LTF=LittleFee | CL=ChicLine | MNF=MiniFee | Moe=MoeLine | FL=FairyLine | F60=Feeple60 |  FM60=Feeple60 Moe | F65=Feeple65 | ART=Art Line | fs=fullset | ns=natural  skin | ts=tan skin | bw=beautiful white | wf=with faceup | af=art finish | GO=group order | I/S=in stock |  
RP=RealPuki | PP=PukiPuki | PKF=PukiFee | RLF=RealFee | LTFB=LittleFee Baby | LTF=LittleFee | CL=ChicLine | MNF=MiniFee | Moe=MoeLine | FL=FairyLine | F60=Feeple60 |  FM60=Feeple60 Moe | F65=Feeple65 | ART=Art Line | fs=fullset | ns=natural  skin | ts=tan skin | bw=beautiful white | wf=with faceup | af=art finish | GO=group order | I/S=in stock |  
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You may remove: Arrival dates older than 1 YEAR; shipping dates that haven't updated as received in over 1 YEAR.
You may remove: Arrival dates older than 1 YEAR; shipping dates that haven't updated as received in over 1 YEAR.
==January 2022==
*'''3 vampirealien5473''' F60 Male Motion Lookback El NS, F60 Lookback Lishe NS, MNF Lookback Dark Soo TS, Event Head, extras '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">June 9</font> <font color="red">June 14</font>
*'''13 Rainyx''' LTF Hwayu Vampire Elf (girl) A La Carte NS WF I/S '''DDE PIF''' <font color="blue">JAN14</font> <font color="red">JAN18</font>
==February 2022==
*'''25 superXasian''' F65 Rick blank TS + F65 Hands No.9, 2, 3 TS + F60 Hands No.9 TS + F60 ankles TS + F65 Sarang head BW '''DDE LW ''' <font color="blue">August 13</font> <font color="red">August 18</font>
==March 2022==
*'''3 TurtleJen''' MNF Designer Complete Sirin NS, MNF hands no. 6 NS, MNF hands no. 8 NS, MNF Sarang22 NS ''' DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">Aug 6</font> <font color="red">Aug 11</font>
*'''4 Tippetarius''' F65 Designer Complete Rick NS, with F65 Sarang22 NS '''DDE LW (finished early) ''' <font color="#0000ff">8/11/2022</font> <font color="red">8/17/2022</font>
*'''21 IngieBee''' F65 basic tan Rick w/SP no FU & NS F65 Sarang #3 hands, backplate '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">Aug 18</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''24 Mamo''' MNF NS Celine wf,  MNF NS Sarang 22 head, MNF AL body NS '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">*</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''25 Dollquest''' F60 NS Chloe wf + SP wf,  MNF Sarang 22 NS '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">July 27th</font> <font color="red">Aug. 1st</font>
==April 2022==
*'''7 Dollquest''' RF Basic Human Luna vampire NS + SP  '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">July 21</font> <font color="red">July 25th</font>
==May 2022==
*'''15 sephyelysian''' F60 Lookback Chiwoo w/ Male Motionline TS '''DDE LW'''  <font color="blue">JULY09</font>  <font color="red">JULY19</font>
*'''24 vampirealien5473''' GO MNF Lookback Shiwoo TS, MNF Lookback Shiwoo BW, MNF Lookback Shiwoo NS, extras '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">October 27</font> <font color="red">November 2</font>
*'''27 TheGardenGnome''' MNF Lucywen a-line girl NS, MNF Jiyu a-line boy BW, heel feet NS, No.9 hands BW '''DDE PIF''' <font color="#0000ff">OCTOBER17</font> <font color="red">OCTOBER19</font>
==June 2022==
*'''3 Idoru''' MNF Lookback Shiwoo TS, extra hands '''DDE LW (Paid off 7/23)''' <font color="#0000ff">SEPT 26</font> <font color="red">SEPT 30</font>
*'''22 Mori Carter''' MNF Alan A-Line TS + hands #4, #8 + NS Kaka Event Head '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">October 17</font> <font color="red">October 20</font>
*'''24 hellsingmongrel''' MNF Lookback Shiwoo ns w/Male Motionline Body ns, extras '''DDE LW (Paid off 08/12)'''  <font color="blue">September 26th</font> <font color="red">September 29th</font>
*'''24 Korofel''' PKF Kaka DC TS + SP WF, PKF TS hands (2, 3, 4, 5, 6), PKF Kaka Event Head NS '''DDE LW''' <font color="blue">October 26</font> <font color="red">October 29</font>
*'''28 Dollquest''' PKF Bastet DC TS + SP WF, Mummy, Kaka Event Head NS '''DDE LW''' <font color="blue">Oct. 26</font> <font color="red">Oct. 29</font>
==July 2022==
*'''4 quake''' MNF Alan A-Line girl TS + hands #6 + hh feet '''Fairyland''' <font color="#0000ff">OCT 11</font> <font color="red">OCT 22</font>
*'''29 Tippetarius''' MNF Rames Designer Complete, TS, + Wink head WF, plus extra MNF bodies, and Pegasus Wings Black '''DDE PIF''' <font color="#0000ff">Dec 2</font> <font color="red">Dec 8</font>
*'''31 Ctrowbridge77''' Fairyline Ria NS, Fairyline Hwayu Vamp Elf NS, MNF No 8 hands & Active heel feet x 2, Pegasus Wings Blk/Grey & BW, & MNF Soo Dark gift head NS '''DDE LW'''<font color="#0000ff"> DEC 19</font> <font color="red">Dec 22</font>
==October 2022==
*'''13 Magnus Vale''' MNF Hwayu Full Package (The Catacomb) + Hwayu A Head + MNF Halloween Head, NS '''DDE''' <font color="#0000ff">Feb 13</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''13 eleniel''' MNF Hwayu designers complete + Hwayu A Head + MNF Halloween Head '''DDE''' <font color="#0000ff"> Feb 15</font> <font color="red">Feb 17</font>
*'''14 fbt328''' MNF Hwayu Full Option (The Catacomb) + Sleeping Head (faceup) + Hwayu A Head (blank) + 1/3 Halloween Head, NS '''DDE 9 month layaway- paid early 2/15/23''' <font color="#0000ff">2/15/23</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''14 Dollquest''' LTF Ante Elf NS +sp +#3 hands X3 '''DDE PIF'''<font color="#0000ff"> Feb. 14</font> <font color="red">Feb. 18</font>
*'''17 Tippetarius''' F60 Sia Designer Complete NS with Sia A (Skeleton) Head WF '''DDE PIF'''<font color="#0000ff"> Feb 22 of 2023</font> <font color="red">Feb 25 2023</font>
==November 2022==
*'''4 vampirealien5473''' MNF Hwayu Full Package + Hwayu A Head + MNF Halloween Head, NS '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">April 11</font> <font color="red">April 17</font>
*'''7 nekomode13''' F60 Sia NS fullset with extra head and faceup  '''DDE''' <font color="#0000ff">4/15</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''21 Mori Carter''' Lookback MNF El Head NS A La Carte '''DDE PIF''' <font color="#0000ff">November 23</font> <font color="red">November 25</font>
==December 2022==
*'''26 gothicwings1366''' MNF Lami Motion Line Boy NS + Lami Event Head A NS + Lami Elf Smirking Head NS + MNF Rames Motion line boy NS  '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">April 29</font> <font color="red">May 4</font>
==January 2023==
*'''4 Tippetarius''' MNF Lami Designer Complete NS with Lami elf head NS, Lami elf head tan, and a MNF motion male body, plus extra parts and event heads  '''DDE  layaway. Finished '''<font color="#0000ff"> Sep 6 </font> <font color="red">Sep 8</font>
*'''6 Dollquest''' MNF Lami ns wf+Sp wf Lami elf head ns, + #5 hands  + heel feet + event head ns  '''DDE '''<font color="#0000ff"> May 21</font> <font color="red">May 26</font>
*'''6 Dollquest''' LTF Bisou Girl ns wf+Sp wf '''DDE  PIF '''<font color="#0000ff">April 15</font> <font color="red">April 18</font>
*'''6 Szklanooka''' MNF Lami NS blank + sleeping head blank + hands #6 #8  '''Fairyland '''<font color="#0000ff">April 18</font> <font color="red">May 4</font>
*'''10 Amadiel''' MNF Lami BW wf + hands #6 #9 + heel feet  '''Fairyland '''<font color="#0000ff"> April 20</font> <font color="red">April 26</font>
*'''27 Tippetarius''' F65 Rozen full package NS, F65 Rozen blank NS, Rozen vampire faceplate and F65 head back  '''DDE  layaway '''<font color="#0000ff"> 7/5/2023</font> <font color="red">7/8/2023</font>
==February 2023==
*'''21 Sanachii''' MNF Luha TS + extra hands + heel feet  '''Fairyland'''<font color="#0000ff">April 21</font> <font color="red">April 29</font>
==March 2023==
*'''01 EagleVision1999''' MNF Phoeb Designer Complete NS with Phoeb elf head NS '''Fairyland''' <font color="#0000ff"> JULY 04</font> <font color="red">JULY 08</font>
*'''01 dollquest'''Hippogriff Violet + wings Violet  + wings connector Violet + RF bunny legs Violet + Event Elf head '''DDE '''<font color="#0000ff"> July 19</font> <font color="red">July 22</font>
*'''06 eleniel''' MNF Phoeb Designer Complete NS with Phoeb elf head NS w/FU, Phoeb elf head WS, LTF DES w/FU WS, LTF Shiwoo w/FU NS'''DDE''' <font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''06 Amadiel''' MNF Phoeb Full Package NS, Minifee Phoeb Elf head NS w/FU, MNF hands #6 NS, FPL60 hands #13 NS  '''Fairyland '''<font color="#0000ff">JULY 14</font> <font color="red">JULY 20</font>
*'''10 dollquest'''Hippogriff NS + wings BW x 2 + wings connector BW x 2  + Event Elf head NS '''DDE '''<font color="#0000ff"> Aug. 29</font> <font color="red">Sept. 1</font>
*'''20 dollquest''' LTF Pipi boy + sleep plate wf, NS  + hands #3, #5 + PKF hands #3 x4 + Event Luna head  NS '''DDE '''<font color="#0000ff"> Aug. 30</font> <font color="red">Sept. 1</font>
*'''22 dollquest''' Phoeb DC NS with SP and Event Elf head all wf '''DDE '''<font color="#0000ff"> Aug. 13</font> <font color="red">Aug. 17</font>
*'''24 acidquill''' LTF Chiwoo elf boy + sleep plate blank, NS  '''DDE '''<font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''26 nekomode13''' MNF Phoeb Designer Complete NS with Phoeb elf head NS '''DDE layaway''' <font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''29 dollquest'''Hippogriff BW + wings NS + wings connector NS + Event Luna head '''DDE '''<font color="#0000ff">July 30</font> <font color="red">Aug. 1</font>
*'''31 Gerbil''' LTF PongPongV2 boy + SP WF, LTF Mio girl + SP, LTF Lishe girl + SP, LTF hands #2, #3, #4, #5, #7 x2, Event Elf Phoeb Gift Head ALL NS '''DDE layaway'''<font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
==April 2023==
*'''07 Lady Gemini''' LTF Big Pukisha boy WS blank + SP + LTF hands #5 WS '''DDE layaway''' <font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''14 Tonboko''' LTF DES girl NS WF '''DDE Deposit then PIF''' <font color="#0000ff">July 24</font> <font color="red">*</font>
==May 2023==
*'''10 Korofel''' FL Chloe Blue Gray + Heel Feet + Hands (3, 6, 8, 9) '''DDE LW''' <font color="blue">SEP 11</font> <font color="red">SEP 15</font>
*'''10 Karra''' MNF Moe Dark Elf Soo Blue Gray + Moe Heel Feet + Hands (6) '''DDE PIF''' <font color="blue">SEP 12 </font> <font color="red">SEP 18</font>
*'''12 hellsingmongrel''' FL Klaus Elf Grey + Heel Feet + All Hands '''DDE LW'''  <font color="blue">Sept 19</font> <font color="red">Sep 22</font>
*'''16 Suindo''' MNF Dark Elf Soo Blue Gray + 2 neck parts '''Fairyland '''<font color="#0000ff"> July 18</font> <font color="red">July 24</font>
*'''17 dollquest''' PKF Ante + sp wf, tan  + hands #3 '''DDE '''<font color="#0000ff">Sept. 7</font> <font color="red">Sept. 10</font>
*'''19 dollquest''' MNF El Elf  A-Line ns  '''DDE '''<font color="#0000ff"> Sept. 11</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''27 Tippetarius''' 3 MNF motion Boys in Grey Blue Skin, Elf El, Klaus, and Vampire elf Jiyu, with two extra pairs of hands, and a pair of heel feet, plus a normal skin Elf El head. DDE PIF  '''<font color="#0000ff"> Sep 12</font> <font color="red">Sep 15</font>
==June 2023==
*'''1 dollquest''' PKF Pio ns + sp, both blank,  + hands #3 '''DDE '''<font color="#0000ff"> Aug. 30</font> <font color="red">Sept. 1</font>
*'''2 vampirealien5473''' MNF DES A-Line Elf Gray + MNF Motion Line Klaus NS + Elf El head NS + extras '''DDE LW''' <font color="blue">Sept 19</font> <font color="red">Sept 25</font>
*'''9 The Raven''' MNF Ingrid Full Package TAN + Sleep & Event Heads A & B Blank '''DDE LW (9 mo)''' <font color="blue">Feb 10th</font> <font color="red">Feb 15th</font>
*'''9 dm_sof''' 2 MNF Alan A-Line girl w/sp head blank, event colors + FL boy Dark Elf Soo blank, event colors + 2 DES A event heads '''DDE LW''' <font color="blue">*</font> <font color="red">*</font>
==July 2023==
*'''1 Cydril''' MNF Honoka TS (NoMakeup) + MNF Active line girl body BW + MNF Summer 23 Event head BW '''DDE LW (9mo)''' '''<font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''5 Singull''' F60 Netis TS Full Package (NoMakeup) + MNF Juri head '''DDE LW (9mo) <font color="green">@DDE NOV 1</font> PIF DEC 14 <font color="blue">DEC 15</font> <font color="red">DEC 21</font>'''
*'''11 Ctrowbridge77''' Blue mermaid tail '''DDE PIF''' '''<font color="#0000ff"> Oct 16</font> <font color="red">Oct 21</font>
*'''19 Tippetarius''' MNF Akis full option NS vamp head WFgreen tail, and F60 male Netis WF, and 1 MNF Juri headn and 1 F60 Juri head DDE PIF  '''<font color="#0000ff"> Oct 30</font> <font color="red">Nov 3</font>
*'''19 Tippetarius''' Red mermaid tail, Fairyline Klaus NS WF and event head and a doll from another company DDE  LW  '''<font color="#0000ff">Feb</font> <font color="red">Feb</font>
*'''20 Karra''' Red mermaid tail  '''DDE PIF''' '''<font color="#0000ff"> Oct 16</font> <font color="red">Oct 19</font>
*'''22 Ainè-Rosalie''' MNF Lami, MNF Sirin, MNF body + hands/feet  '''DDE LW''' '''<font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
==August 2023==
*'''1 gothicwings1366''' Instock LTF Shiwoo NS w/ Faceup  '''DDE LWY''' <font color="#0000ff">Aug 21</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''8 Azure Agape''' MNF moe body BW, MNF moe heel feet BW  '''DDE PIF''' <font color="#0000ff">Nov 6</font> <font color="red">Nov 9</font>
*'''31 Momoland''' MNF Motion Line Lucywen NS w Faceup, extra no.4 hands '''Fairyland PIF''' <font color="#0000ff">Oct 31</font> <font color="red">Nov 3</font>
==September 2023==
*'''25 Ctrowbridge77''' MNF #05 & F65 #06x2 shoes, MNF #13&14 & F65 #20 hands '''DDE PIF''' '''<font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
==October 2023==
*'''2 kaschan502''' MNF Dark Elf Soo WS '''DDE PIF''' <font color= "#0000ff"> Nov. 15 </font><font color= "red">Nov. 22</font>
*'''3 Ctrowbridge77''' F65 Nuia Elf NS DC DDE, DES NS Dreaming & F65 NS Event heads '''DDE PIF''' '''<font color="#0000ff">Jan 30</font> <font color="red">Feb 1</font>
*'''9 Karra''' F65 Nuia Elf TS Full Pack Blank + Sword, F65 hands #18, #20, F60 hands #18, #20, MNF Hands  #10 x2, #11, #12, MNF Event DES Dreaming Vamp WS  '''DDE PIF''' '''<font color="#0000ff"> Mar 9 2024</font> <font color="red">Mar 13 2024</font>
*'''10 Tippetarius''' F65 Nuia ELF Designer Complete NS with Hands #18 & #19, MNF Ariel VAMPIRE Designer Complete NS with hands #11 & #12, plus a Female A-line MNF body, and some other F60 and F65 hands '''<font color="#0000ff"> Mar 18</font> <font color="red">Mar 22</font>
*'''13 Suindo''' MNF Dreaming Elf Soo x3 NS/WS/TS + MNF neck connector '''DDE L/W''' <font color= "#0000ff"> Feb 9 </font><font color= "red"> Feb 14 </font>
*'''26 Dollquest''' F65 Nuia ELF DC tan + human head + Event head F65 ns '''DDE LW''' '''<font color="#0000ff">*</font> <font color="red">*</font>
==November 2023==  
*'''4 DarkRegrets''' MNF A-Line NR Ria NS + extras + event<font color="#0000ff"></font> <font color="#ff0000"></font>
*'''3 Serein''' F65 Nuia Elf Basic Blank tan + heel parts '''Fairyland PIF''' <font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''9 Kacha''' MNF M-Line Luka NS + extras + event<font color="#0000ff"></font> <font color="#ff0000"></font>
*'''13 FairyChild''' FL NS FS Momo + BW Bunny legs with paint + Ears/ Tail with paint + event '''DDE''' LW<font color="#0000ff"></font> <font color="#ff0000"></font>
*'''13 Syrill''' FL NS Momo + SP + WS (upper)/MS (lower) Bunny parts + event '''DDE''' LW<font color="#0000ff"></font> <font color="#ff0000"></font>
*'''23 clochette''' PKF Rin TS + wf + TS sheep parts + event
*'''23 Twillow''' PKF Vanilla TS + BW sheep parts '''DDE'''
==December 2023==  
*'''30 Nikki'sNewObsession''' FM60 Cygne FS TS + SP + Vampire +Event '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">March 20</font> <font color="#ff0000">March 23</font>
*'''31 gothicwings1366''' F60 Male Basic Kanis NS, F60 Male Basic Netis Vampire, F60 #7 Hands NS, F60 Shiwoo Elf NS, NS F60 Dreaming Shiwoo Elf  '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''30 CourtneyC''' FM60 Cygne FS WS + VMP + Event '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">March 31</font> <font color="#ff0000">April 6</font>
*'''30 rex''' FM60 Cygne FS NS + VMP wf + Event '''DDE LW'''
==January 2024==  
*'''2 kyliebee''' FM60 Cygne FS WS +  vampire + Event '''GO'''
*'''17 vampirealien5473''' F60 Male Basic Kanis NS, F60 LB Shiwoo Elf NS, MNF LB Shiwoo Elf Tan, MNF Moe Body BW + hands  '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff"> May 2</font> <font color="red">May 7</font>
*'''2 Lazulistar''' FM60 Cygne FS NS +  SP+VMP + Event '''LW'''  <font color="red">March 30</font>
*'''26 Tippetarius''' F60 Kanis Falidae head Fwith fave ups Designer Complete elf gray with Hands #9, #5, #4, & #3'''<font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''2 BrewsJoe''' FM60 Cygne Fs NS Wf + Event'''DDE LW'''<font color="#ff0000">March 17</font>
*'''26 Tippetarius''' MNF Icarus Full Package NS, and a Elf Gray F60 Alan '''DDE LW'''<font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''3 brighteyes22''' FM60 Cygne FS NS + VMP + event
*'''4 Jrockheven''' MNF Chloe NS + Face Up '''DDE'''
*'''5 Arin''' FM60 Cygne TS + Extras + Event
*'''6 helenb92''' FM60 Cygne FS NS + VMP + event + extras <font color="#0000ff">Feb 24</font> <font color="#ff0000">Feb 17</font>
*'''7 Sleeping Dead''' FM60 Cygne FS WS + VMP + event '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">June 2</font>
*'''8 countessa''' FL Momo bunny basic NS/TS + TS Bunny Ears/Tail + Event '''DDE'''
*'''9 brighteyes22''' FM60 Cygne TS + event
*'''9 CathyM''' Fairyline Lucywen WS/PS Full option + Event '''DDE LW GO''' <font color="#0000ff">April 25</font><font color="#ff0000">April 27</font>
*'''9 Meggethann''' FM60 Cygne FS NS + SP + VMP + Event '''DDE LW'''
*'''9 silverholly''' Fairyline Lucywen NS/WS Full option + Event <font color="#0000ff">March 7</font> <font color="#ff0000">March 11</font>
*'''9 Hsifassila''' FL Lucywen TS/WS Full option + Event  '''DDE''' '''LW'''
*'''9 nekomode13''' Fairyline Lucywen NS human FS + Event '''DDE''' '''LW'''
*'''10 CourtneyC''' Fairyline Lucywen WS Full option + SP + Event '''DDE LW GO''' <font color="#0000ff">May 1</font>
*'''12 midnightferret''' MNF Tika NS + Fairyline Lucywen NS basic + event <font color="#0000ff">March 10</font> <font color="red">March 13</font>
*'''13 Arkelle''' FM60 Cygne NS + Extras + Event '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">April 4</font>
*'''14 JenniferCatherine''' MNF Chloe NS + SP + Extras + Event MNF '''DDE LW''' <font color="#0000ff">April 4</font> <font color="red">April 7</font>
*'''14 MileenaAngel''' Fairyline Lucywen NS/WS Full option + Event + Extras  '''DDE''' <font color="#0000ff">April 25</font> <font color="red">April 27</font>
*'''15 aremolana''' MNF Chloe TS + Extras  hands + Event LTF  <font color="#0000ff">Feb 23</font> <font color="#ff0000">Feb 28</font>
*'''22 helenb92''' Fairyline Lucywen NS/WS Full option + Event <font color="#0000ff">March 29</font>
*'''27 Meggethann''' Fairyline Lucywen TS/WS Full option + Elf Head w/makeup + Event '''DDE LW'''
*'''29 Wayfarer''' FL Momo ts/bw Full Option + Event '''DDE''' <font color="#0000ff">May 23</font> <font color="red">May 26</font>
==February 2024==
*'''5 Pselia''' MNF Celine NS (blank) + Extras '''DDE''' <font color="blue">May 1</font>
*'''8  Dollquest''' RP Kaka ns + sp both blank + RP Toki tan + sp both blank '''FL''' '''<font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''6 clochette''' LTF Rendia FS NS + Event
*'''11 hereforthesun''' MNF Rendia NS '''DDE PIF''' <font color="#0000ff"> Feb 9 </font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''6 Felka''' MNF A-Line TS Sia (blank) <font color="blue">April 10</font> <font color="Red">April 20</font>
*'''8 Cydril''' LTF Rendia BW + extras '''DDE''' LW <font color="blue">May 6</font> <font color="Red">May 8</font>
*'''10 Katnekochan''' FL NS Sia (blank) + event '''DDE''' LW <font color="blue">May 1</font>
*'''11 Wabbie-chan''' FL Lucywen wf NS + Extras + event
*'''12 countessa''' FM60 Cygne NS + Heel Feet + Event '''DDE'''
*'''12 Chibi Kitsune''' FL Lucywen NS/WS Full Option + Event <font color="blue">April 20</font> <font color="Red">April 25</font>
*'''13 tessiekat''' MNF Celine NS '''DDE''' <font color="blue">May 23</font> <font color="Red">May 25</font>
*'''18 Soenatte''' FL Ria NS + extras <font color="blue">April 17</font> <font color="Red">April 22</font>
*'''23 pirouette''' FL Lucywen NS wf Full option + MNF Rheia NS wf + FL Chloe NS + Event <font color="blue">May 10</font> <font color="red">May 12</font>
==March 2024==
*'''1 KimC''' MNF Karsh A- Line Muscular wf NS + Extras '''DDE''' <font color="#0000ff">June 12 </font><font color="#ff0000">June 15 </font>
*'''6 vampirealien5473''' PP Cupid NS '''DDE'''<font color="#0000ff"> May 3</font> <font color="red">May 6</font>
*'''1 Anemone''' LTF Ante NS + SP & LTF Bisou NS + SP <font color="#0000ff">April 12</font> <font color="#ff0000">April 19</font>  
*'''22 cherryblossoms''' MNF Layla Designer Full Set Elf Gray '''DDE LW'''<font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''10 pirouette''' FL Sircca Full Package NS wf + MNF Celine NS + MNF Kyle NS wf + Event
*'''23 relish''' MNF Layla Designer FS NS, Sarang 2024 Head NS, extra hands #4-6-9 and heel feet '''DDE LW'''<font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''10 Diaspro''' FairyLine Sircca Full Option NS/WS + Event
*'''24 Karra''' MNF Layla Full Pack Blank BW, Sarang 2024 Head BW, BW MNF hands. 6, Kill Heel Feet x 3 (NS, BW, TS) '''DDE PIF'''<font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''10 izumiyavi''' MNF VE Woosoo A-Line NS + MNF Rin Moe NS + LTF Elf El NS + LTF Luna NS + Extras + Event <font color="#0000ff">May 19</font> <font color="red">May 22</font>
*'''10 Whitnee''' FL Sircca Full Package NS/ TS + SP WF + Elf + Extras + Event
*'''10 CourtneyC''' FL Sircca Full Option AT/AT + Event '''DDE''' LW
*'''10 KarriganKat''' FL Sircca Full Option NS/WS + Event '''DDE''' LW
*'''11 helenb92''' FL Sircca Full Option Package NS/TS + Event
*'''11 Thavron''' FL Sircca Full Option NS/TS + Event '''DDE''' LW
*'''11 trollenok''' FL Sircca Full Package (wings) NS/WS + Event
*'''11 kita8''' FL Sircca Full Package NS + Elf wf + SP + Event
*'''11 Shuklyah''' FL Sircca Full Package TS + Event '''DDE'''
*'''13 Sleeping Dead''' FL Sircca Full Option NS/TS/WS wings + Elf + SP + Event
*'''15 kimera''' FL Sircca Full Option Package NS/WS wings + Event '''Dolk''' LW
*'''16 Rook_Sever''' FL Sircca Full Package NS + Elf + Event
*'''17 Pionitar''' F65 Siean NS + SP + hands and feet + event <font color="#0000ff">May 23</font> <font color="red">May 31</font>
*'''18 sophiesoliday''' FL Sircca Full Option NS/AT/WS wings + Elf + Event '''DDE''' LW
*'''19 Teru''' FL Sircca Human WS + Event Faceplate '''DDE''' LW
*'''21 applemelon''' FL Sircca Centaur Basic NS + Event + FL Chloe NS '''DDE''' LW
*'''24 Chibi Kitsune''' FL Sircca Full Option TS/WS + Event
==April 2024==  
*'''4 Sanachii''' FL Sircca Centaur Basic AT/WS + event
*'''11 Nikki'sNewObsession''' Feeple 60 Erda NS ""DDE LW"" <font color="#0000ff"> *</font> <font color="red">*</font>
*'''10 Lazulistar''' FL Sircca Full Package AT + elf + event '''DDE''' LW
*'''18 tessiekat''' PKF Luna NS '''DDE''' LW
*'''22 katsdolls''' MNF Celine NS wf
*'''17 Nikkis'sNewObsession''' LTF Ante TS '''DDE''' LW

Revision as of 01:09, 8 May 2024

RP=RealPuki | PP=PukiPuki | PKF=PukiFee | RLF=RealFee | LTFB=LittleFee Baby | LTF=LittleFee | CL=ChicLine | MNF=MiniFee | Moe=MoeLine | FL=FairyLine | F60=Feeple60 | FM60=Feeple60 Moe | F65=Feeple65 | ART=Art Line | fs=fullset | ns=natural skin | ts=tan skin | bw=beautiful white | wf=with faceup | af=art finish | GO=group order | I/S=in stock |

Keep entries short & include shipped date or arrival date

Color Codes:  <font color="blue">JAN30</font> <font color="red">JAN30</font>

You may remove: Arrival dates older than 1 YEAR; shipping dates that haven't updated as received in over 1 YEAR.

January 2022

  • 3 vampirealien5473 F60 Male Motion Lookback El NS, F60 Lookback Lishe NS, MNF Lookback Dark Soo TS, Event Head, extras DDE LW June 9 June 14
  • 13 Rainyx LTF Hwayu Vampire Elf (girl) A La Carte NS WF I/S DDE PIF JAN14 JAN18

February 2022

  • 25 superXasian F65 Rick blank TS + F65 Hands No.9, 2, 3 TS + F60 Hands No.9 TS + F60 ankles TS + F65 Sarang head BW DDE LW August 13 August 18

March 2022

  • 3 TurtleJen MNF Designer Complete Sirin NS, MNF hands no. 6 NS, MNF hands no. 8 NS, MNF Sarang22 NS DDE LW Aug 6 Aug 11
  • 4 Tippetarius F65 Designer Complete Rick NS, with F65 Sarang22 NS DDE LW (finished early) 8/11/2022 8/17/2022
  • 21 IngieBee F65 basic tan Rick w/SP no FU & NS F65 Sarang #3 hands, backplate DDE LW Aug 18 *
  • 24 Mamo MNF NS Celine wf, MNF NS Sarang 22 head, MNF AL body NS DDE LW * *
  • 25 Dollquest F60 NS Chloe wf + SP wf, MNF Sarang 22 NS DDE LW July 27th Aug. 1st

April 2022

  • 7 Dollquest RF Basic Human Luna vampire NS + SP DDE LW July 21 July 25th

May 2022

  • 15 sephyelysian F60 Lookback Chiwoo w/ Male Motionline TS DDE LW JULY09 JULY19
  • 24 vampirealien5473 GO MNF Lookback Shiwoo TS, MNF Lookback Shiwoo BW, MNF Lookback Shiwoo NS, extras DDE LW October 27 November 2
  • 27 TheGardenGnome MNF Lucywen a-line girl NS, MNF Jiyu a-line boy BW, heel feet NS, No.9 hands BW DDE PIF OCTOBER17 OCTOBER19

June 2022

  • 3 Idoru MNF Lookback Shiwoo TS, extra hands DDE LW (Paid off 7/23) SEPT 26 SEPT 30
  • 22 Mori Carter MNF Alan A-Line TS + hands #4, #8 + NS Kaka Event Head DDE LW October 17 October 20
  • 24 hellsingmongrel MNF Lookback Shiwoo ns w/Male Motionline Body ns, extras DDE LW (Paid off 08/12) September 26th September 29th
  • 24 Korofel PKF Kaka DC TS + SP WF, PKF TS hands (2, 3, 4, 5, 6), PKF Kaka Event Head NS DDE LW October 26 October 29
  • 28 Dollquest PKF Bastet DC TS + SP WF, Mummy, Kaka Event Head NS DDE LW Oct. 26 Oct. 29

July 2022

  • 4 quake MNF Alan A-Line girl TS + hands #6 + hh feet Fairyland OCT 11 OCT 22
  • 29 Tippetarius MNF Rames Designer Complete, TS, + Wink head WF, plus extra MNF bodies, and Pegasus Wings Black DDE PIF Dec 2 Dec 8
  • 31 Ctrowbridge77 Fairyline Ria NS, Fairyline Hwayu Vamp Elf NS, MNF No 8 hands & Active heel feet x 2, Pegasus Wings Blk/Grey & BW, & MNF Soo Dark gift head NS DDE LW DEC 19 Dec 22

October 2022

  • 13 Magnus Vale MNF Hwayu Full Package (The Catacomb) + Hwayu A Head + MNF Halloween Head, NS DDE Feb 13 *
  • 13 eleniel MNF Hwayu designers complete + Hwayu A Head + MNF Halloween Head DDE Feb 15 Feb 17
  • 14 fbt328 MNF Hwayu Full Option (The Catacomb) + Sleeping Head (faceup) + Hwayu A Head (blank) + 1/3 Halloween Head, NS DDE 9 month layaway- paid early 2/15/23 2/15/23 *
  • 14 Dollquest LTF Ante Elf NS +sp +#3 hands X3 DDE PIF Feb. 14 Feb. 18
  • 17 Tippetarius F60 Sia Designer Complete NS with Sia A (Skeleton) Head WF DDE PIF Feb 22 of 2023 Feb 25 2023

November 2022

  • 4 vampirealien5473 MNF Hwayu Full Package + Hwayu A Head + MNF Halloween Head, NS DDE LW April 11 April 17
  • 7 nekomode13 F60 Sia NS fullset with extra head and faceup DDE 4/15 *
  • 21 Mori Carter Lookback MNF El Head NS A La Carte DDE PIF November 23 November 25

December 2022

  • 26 gothicwings1366 MNF Lami Motion Line Boy NS + Lami Event Head A NS + Lami Elf Smirking Head NS + MNF Rames Motion line boy NS DDE LW April 29 May 4

January 2023

  • 4 Tippetarius MNF Lami Designer Complete NS with Lami elf head NS, Lami elf head tan, and a MNF motion male body, plus extra parts and event heads DDE layaway. Finished Sep 6 Sep 8
  • 6 Dollquest MNF Lami ns wf+Sp wf Lami elf head ns, + #5 hands + heel feet + event head ns DDE May 21 May 26
  • 6 Dollquest LTF Bisou Girl ns wf+Sp wf DDE PIF April 15 April 18
  • 6 Szklanooka MNF Lami NS blank + sleeping head blank + hands #6 #8 Fairyland April 18 May 4
  • 10 Amadiel MNF Lami BW wf + hands #6 #9 + heel feet Fairyland April 20 April 26
  • 27 Tippetarius F65 Rozen full package NS, F65 Rozen blank NS, Rozen vampire faceplate and F65 head back DDE layaway 7/5/2023 7/8/2023

February 2023

  • 21 Sanachii MNF Luha TS + extra hands + heel feet FairylandApril 21 April 29

March 2023

  • 01 EagleVision1999 MNF Phoeb Designer Complete NS with Phoeb elf head NS Fairyland JULY 04 JULY 08
  • 01 dollquestHippogriff Violet + wings Violet + wings connector Violet + RF bunny legs Violet + Event Elf head DDE July 19 July 22
  • 06 eleniel MNF Phoeb Designer Complete NS with Phoeb elf head NS w/FU, Phoeb elf head WS, LTF DES w/FU WS, LTF Shiwoo w/FU NSDDE * *
  • 06 Amadiel MNF Phoeb Full Package NS, Minifee Phoeb Elf head NS w/FU, MNF hands #6 NS, FPL60 hands #13 NS Fairyland JULY 14 JULY 20
  • 10 dollquestHippogriff NS + wings BW x 2 + wings connector BW x 2 + Event Elf head NS DDE Aug. 29 Sept. 1
  • 20 dollquest LTF Pipi boy + sleep plate wf, NS + hands #3, #5 + PKF hands #3 x4 + Event Luna head NS DDE Aug. 30 Sept. 1
  • 22 dollquest Phoeb DC NS with SP and Event Elf head all wf DDE Aug. 13 Aug. 17
  • 24 acidquill LTF Chiwoo elf boy + sleep plate blank, NS DDE * *
  • 26 nekomode13 MNF Phoeb Designer Complete NS with Phoeb elf head NS DDE layaway * *
  • 29 dollquestHippogriff BW + wings NS + wings connector NS + Event Luna head DDE July 30 Aug. 1
  • 31 Gerbil LTF PongPongV2 boy + SP WF, LTF Mio girl + SP, LTF Lishe girl + SP, LTF hands #2, #3, #4, #5, #7 x2, Event Elf Phoeb Gift Head ALL NS DDE layaway * *

April 2023

  • 07 Lady Gemini LTF Big Pukisha boy WS blank + SP + LTF hands #5 WS DDE layaway * *
  • 14 Tonboko LTF DES girl NS WF DDE Deposit then PIF July 24 *

May 2023

  • 10 Korofel FL Chloe Blue Gray + Heel Feet + Hands (3, 6, 8, 9) DDE LW SEP 11 SEP 15
  • 10 Karra MNF Moe Dark Elf Soo Blue Gray + Moe Heel Feet + Hands (6) DDE PIF SEP 12 SEP 18
  • 12 hellsingmongrel FL Klaus Elf Grey + Heel Feet + All Hands DDE LW Sept 19 Sep 22
  • 16 Suindo MNF Dark Elf Soo Blue Gray + 2 neck parts Fairyland July 18 July 24
  • 17 dollquest PKF Ante + sp wf, tan + hands #3 DDE Sept. 7 Sept. 10
  • 19 dollquest MNF El Elf A-Line ns DDE Sept. 11 *
  • 27 Tippetarius 3 MNF motion Boys in Grey Blue Skin, Elf El, Klaus, and Vampire elf Jiyu, with two extra pairs of hands, and a pair of heel feet, plus a normal skin Elf El head. DDE PIF Sep 12 Sep 15

June 2023

  • 1 dollquest PKF Pio ns + sp, both blank, + hands #3 DDE Aug. 30 Sept. 1
  • 2 vampirealien5473 MNF DES A-Line Elf Gray + MNF Motion Line Klaus NS + Elf El head NS + extras DDE LW Sept 19 Sept 25
  • 9 The Raven MNF Ingrid Full Package TAN + Sleep & Event Heads A & B Blank DDE LW (9 mo) Feb 10th Feb 15th
  • 9 dm_sof 2 MNF Alan A-Line girl w/sp head blank, event colors + FL boy Dark Elf Soo blank, event colors + 2 DES A event heads DDE LW * *

July 2023

  • 1 Cydril MNF Honoka TS (NoMakeup) + MNF Active line girl body BW + MNF Summer 23 Event head BW DDE LW (9mo) * *
  • 5 Singull F60 Netis TS Full Package (NoMakeup) + MNF Juri head DDE LW (9mo) @DDE NOV 1 PIF DEC 14 DEC 15 DEC 21
  • 11 Ctrowbridge77 Blue mermaid tail DDE PIF Oct 16 Oct 21
  • 19 Tippetarius MNF Akis full option NS vamp head WFgreen tail, and F60 male Netis WF, and 1 MNF Juri headn and 1 F60 Juri head DDE PIF Oct 30 Nov 3
  • 19 Tippetarius Red mermaid tail, Fairyline Klaus NS WF and event head and a doll from another company DDE LW Feb Feb
  • 20 Karra Red mermaid tail DDE PIF Oct 16 Oct 19
  • 22 Ainè-Rosalie MNF Lami, MNF Sirin, MNF body + hands/feet DDE LW * *

August 2023

  • 1 gothicwings1366 Instock LTF Shiwoo NS w/ Faceup DDE LWY Aug 21 *
  • 8 Azure Agape MNF moe body BW, MNF moe heel feet BW DDE PIF Nov 6 Nov 9
  • 31 Momoland MNF Motion Line Lucywen NS w Faceup, extra no.4 hands Fairyland PIF Oct 31 Nov 3

September 2023

  • 25 Ctrowbridge77 MNF #05 & F65 #06x2 shoes, MNF #13&14 & F65 #20 hands DDE PIF * *

October 2023

  • 2 kaschan502 MNF Dark Elf Soo WS DDE PIF Nov. 15 Nov. 22
  • 3 Ctrowbridge77 F65 Nuia Elf NS DC DDE, DES NS Dreaming & F65 NS Event heads DDE PIF Jan 30 Feb 1
  • 9 Karra F65 Nuia Elf TS Full Pack Blank + Sword, F65 hands #18, #20, F60 hands #18, #20, MNF Hands #10 x2, #11, #12, MNF Event DES Dreaming Vamp WS DDE PIF Mar 9 2024 Mar 13 2024
  • 10 Tippetarius F65 Nuia ELF Designer Complete NS with Hands #18 & #19, MNF Ariel VAMPIRE Designer Complete NS with hands #11 & #12, plus a Female A-line MNF body, and some other F60 and F65 hands Mar 18 Mar 22
  • 13 Suindo MNF Dreaming Elf Soo x3 NS/WS/TS + MNF neck connector DDE L/W Feb 9 Feb 14
  • 26 Dollquest F65 Nuia ELF DC tan + human head + Event head F65 ns DDE LW * *

November 2023

  • 3 Serein F65 Nuia Elf Basic Blank tan + heel parts Fairyland PIF * *

December 2023

  • 31 gothicwings1366 F60 Male Basic Kanis NS, F60 Male Basic Netis Vampire, F60 #7 Hands NS, F60 Shiwoo Elf NS, NS F60 Dreaming Shiwoo Elf DDE LW * *

January 2024

  • 17 vampirealien5473 F60 Male Basic Kanis NS, F60 LB Shiwoo Elf NS, MNF LB Shiwoo Elf Tan, MNF Moe Body BW + hands DDE LW May 2 May 7
  • 26 Tippetarius F60 Kanis Falidae head Fwith fave ups Designer Complete elf gray with Hands #9, #5, #4, & #3 * *
  • 26 Tippetarius MNF Icarus Full Package NS, and a Elf Gray F60 Alan DDE LW * *

February 2024

  • 8 Dollquest RP Kaka ns + sp both blank + RP Toki tan + sp both blank FL * *
  • 11 hereforthesun MNF Rendia NS DDE PIF Feb 9 *

March 2024

  • 6 vampirealien5473 PP Cupid NS DDE May 3 May 6
  • 22 cherryblossoms MNF Layla Designer Full Set Elf Gray DDE LW * *
  • 23 relish MNF Layla Designer FS NS, Sarang 2024 Head NS, extra hands #4-6-9 and heel feet DDE LW * *
  • 24 Karra MNF Layla Full Pack Blank BW, Sarang 2024 Head BW, BW MNF hands. 6, Kill Heel Feet x 3 (NS, BW, TS) DDE PIF * *

April 2024

  • 11 Nikki'sNewObsession Feeple 60 Erda NS ""DDE LW"" * *