1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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IMPL dolls Star, Model and Idol Discussion thread 15

Dec 23, 2020


      Gotta look over my finances and set up a layaway. Might add that other body as well.

      ---------- Notes ----------

      This is the discussion thread for all IMPL dolls Star, Model and Idol dolls.

      IMPLdoll website

      Previous discussion treads:
      * Part 5
      * Part 6
      * Part 7
      * Part 8
      * Part 9
      * Part 10
      * Part 11
      * Part 12
      * Part 13
      * Part 14

      DoA Wiki: IMPLdoll
      Impldoll Resin matching
      DoA databases: All dolls, Christopher, Fantasia, Idol (all)
      #1 Thymeseer, Dec 23, 2020
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2020
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    2. @Thymeseer Interesting! Is the Supermodel line all limited editions? One picture says "Supermodel Line & Limited 50 Pic".
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    3. Oh my God, she's beautiful! I love toothy smiles.
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    4. OH MY GOD! She's insane! I have two, Two, TWO layaways going on right now!!!! But OMG!!!
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    5. She is very pretty!
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    6. @Valor That is interesting! I've never seen that on one of their sculpts before. I hope I can snag her!

      @Meowjima Isn't she??? She has such a lovely smile. I feel like it could either be sweet or sultry depending on the faceup.

      @IngieBee She's just perfect! I'm so glad I just finished my last layaway so I can start one without guilt. I've fallen hard, oof.

      AHHHHH I've been gazing longingly at her sculpting post on instagram for so long. It's such a treat to see her finished and painted up. I just emailed bjdivas to start a layaway. I'm going to get her in brown! Then I'll be able to see the color match myself for other brands. She's going to have a red and gold makeup theme.
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    7. Yes, @Thymeseer I was wondering which color they have her in? Is it brown or dark tan?

      @Valor, I think the limitation is for the outfit, and maybe for the special faceup. That seems to be the case in the past :)

      You know, I'd only buy her blank, or maybe with a faceup anyways, so I will have to wait on ordering her. I sure hope they don't change from what they've done in the past! I really do want her! But my house of cards will collapse if I tried to put another doll on layaway. :( And I still have to get Plaice a body since the last one came the wrong color :(
      #7 IngieBee, Dec 24, 2020
      Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
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    8. @Anita2006 Nonsense, no one would forget you!

      @Thymeseer I wish I could afford her! I swore to myself I'd finish the dolls I've got right now. She's so beautiful though, maybe if I get into a better financial position I'd do a layaway.
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    9. Yaay, new thread finally came :D And so here is my brown skin Azalea :D

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    10. @A Wee Tiefling thanks for a good words, im still here and trying to customize my dolls. Mgb body was hard to sueding so it would be better on possing. but it worked. Now my girls sholders and legs moves better. and ofcourse, her hands have more possibility to move. i think so she was strung to hard.

      @IngieBee my Azalea stolen dollshe craft body, was playing and using her as model for clothes. Big feet made me mad, so i did slippers for her. First time i did shoes. looks not so bad but need improve my skills. Will add some photos later.
      #10 Anita2006, Dec 24, 2020
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2020
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    11. @Anita2006 Can you get some pics of the sueding process? do you have any before and afters for how it improved?
      Merry Christmas, Thread!
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    12. Hello new thread, and happy Christmas Eve, everyone!

      Have a very bad picture of my work-in-progress diorama for my Impldoll Isaac, Gwendal (the one with the long black hair, wearing black):


      (I said he would be my only large doll. I should have known better...)
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    13. LOL, wonderful, I look forward to seeing :D

      @Rakonto what are they up to there? It looks like they are studying a pirate map?? :D

      For those who celebrate, Marry Christmas :D I feel so happy today, it's raining which hasn't happened in a bezillion years and it's just a beautiful day :D For those who do not celebrate, please celebrate this beautiful day of life and accept a virtual hug from me!!! LOL

      ::hugs:: :hug:
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    14. @IngieBee They are supposed to be working on updating maps/an atlas/something like that, but my dolls could be looking for treasure instead. You never know. :lol: (If they find some I hope they share...lol I'd probably use it to buy more doll stuff for them.)

      Edit: And a very merry Christmas to you too! <3
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    15. LOL, you posed them beautifully, I really love the desk, although I can't see much of it, I feel like there is a solid desk there! Very cool! @Rakonto
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    16. LOL um. I repurposed my American Girl Molly table and chairs which are WAY too small for these big guys (there are legs going everywhere underneath). It does fit on my bookshelf, though, so bonus. :lol:
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    17. Well, they're just big guys, you know :D Nothing in the house ever fits :D
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    18. Since it's a new thread, I'm going to post my old boy! Henry needs eyes with smaller irises for his birthday next year, I think. And a new faceup haha.

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    19. @Thymeseer I love his look. It really makes me wish I had room for some of those older sculpts!
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