Popovy Sisters

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Popovy Sisters is a Russian BJD company made up of Elena and Ekaterina Popovy. Elena and Ekaterina became interested in doll sculpture during their time at architecture and art school. The sisters have been making their dolls since 2004. Their early dolls were made from a variety of materials, including baked or self-hardening plastics or different types of porcelain. Currently, their dolls are made out of resins and porcelain. They take inspiration from "finding perfection in imperfections" and the desire for their dolls to be recognizably unique. They have off-topic BJDs with painted-on eyes as well as on-topic BJDs.

Bodies & Measurements

Popovy Sisters has released two different types of body. The first type has an emaciated appearance and the second type is more realistically proportioned and inspired by Botticelli's Venus. There are five different bodies that belong to the first body type; these are named by Roman numerals. The second body type has been named the Venus body, and there are two versions thus far.

  • Body I
Height - 40cm
Head Circumference - 12cm (fits size 4/5 wigs)
Eye Size - 8-10mm
Neck Circumference - 3.7cm
Leg Length (including foot) - 23cm
Foot Length - 4.6cm
Arm Length (including hand) - 15.5cm
Body Notes: Body I features a single-jointed neck, shoulders, wrists, torso, thigh, and ankle joints as well as double-jointed elbows and knees.
  • Body II Neck
Height - 40cm
Head Circumference - 12cm (fits size 4/5 wigs)
Eye Size - 8-10mm
Neck Circumference - 3.7cm
Leg Length (including foot) - 23cm
Foot Length - 4.6cm
Arm Length (including hand) - 15.5cm
Body Notes: Body II Neck is identical to Body I except for the fact that it has different thigh joints; Body I has a single thigh joint attached to the hips whereas Body II Neck has separate, double jointed knees.Body II Neck also features a single-jointed neck, shoulders, wrists, torso, thigh, and ankle joints as well as double-jointed elbows. Body I also comes with pre-wired hands strung onto the doll, detachable magnetic hands, heel feet, and ballet feet.
  • Body II
Height - 40cm
Head Circumference - 12cm (fits size 4/5 wigs)
Eye Size - 8-10mm
Neck Circumference - 3.7cm
Leg Length (including foot) - 23cm
Foot Length - 4.6cm
Arm Length (including hand) - 15.5cm
Body Notes: Body II features single-jointed shoulders, wrists, torso, and ankles as well as a double-jointed neck, thighs, and knees. Body IIalso comes with pre-wired hands strung onto the doll, detachable magnetic hands, heel feet, and ballet feet.
    • Body III
Height - 40cm
Head Circumference - 12cm (fits size 4/5 wigs)
Eye Size - 8-10mm
Neck Circumference - 3.7cm
Leg Length (including foot) - 23cm
Foot Length - 4.6cm
Arm Length (including hand) - 15.5cm
Body Notes: Body III features a double jointed neck, elbows, torso, thighs, and knees as well as single-jointed shoulders, wrists, and ankles. The leg joints have an additional cup over the thigh joint. Body III also comes with pre-wired hands strung onto the doll, detachable magnetic hands, heel feet, and ballet feet.
    • Body IV
Height - 40cm
Head Circumference - 12cm (fits size 4/5 wigs)
Eye Size - 8-10mm
Neck Circumference - 3.7cm
Leg Length (including foot) - 23cm
Foot Length - 4.6cm
Arm Length (including hand) - 15.5cm
Body Notes: Body IV features a double jointed neck, elbows, torso, thighs, and knees as well as single-jointed shoulders, wrists, and ankles. The leg joints have an additional cup over the thigh joint. Body IV also comes with pre-wired hands strung onto the doll, detachable magnetic hands, heel feet, and ballet feet. This body also comes with the special option of coming with or without scarification.
    • Venus Body

(Measurements TBA)

Body Notes: This body's release was highly anticipated, as the Popovy sisters described it as "starting a new trend". There was much debate about whether this body was an attempt to start a trend within the BJD community or just within the Popovy Sisters brand, marking a new era. The Venus body is softer, with a more rounded stomach and thicker thighs, but is still a thin body type (just not as thin as the original Popovy style). The original Venus body was only available to exclusive, "VIP" customers and has no torso joints.
    • Venus-I Body

(Measurements TBA)

Body Notes: The Venus-I body has yet to be released but it has been announced as of October 2020. This body is identical to the original Venus body except for the fact that Venus-I features a jointed torso.


Painted eye versions of Bony, Blue Jay, Cherry, Cuckoo, and Magpie are off topic.

  • Bluejay
  • Bony
  • Cherry
  • Cuckoo
  • Land¥ and Land¥ Rat
  • Little Owl
  • Magpie
  • Peewit
  • Quetzal
  • Tawny Owl


Popovy Sisters has released dolls in the following resin colors:

  • Ivory (a very pale NS)
  • Coral (NS)
  • Beige (described by the Popovy Sisters as "a bit similar to the Sand skin tone, but more neutral"
  • Sand (a warm-toned NS)
  • Moka (a light tan)
  • Chocolate (a rich brown skintone)
  • Pearl Gray (a light gray)
  • Phantom (a semi-opaque translucent resin)


Photo References