1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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CP Delf Discussion Part 14

Sep 14, 2023

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    1. There's a chance it might be a bit too small, at least going off my tape measure it seems like it will be smaller than the neck donut I have in my Type 1 El. If it's smaller than the neck donut, I don't know how well it will fit. But I think it wouldn't hurt to try. If it doesn't fit, you can sell it and get a neck donut instead.
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    2. A Type 2 connector won't work "as intended" with a Type 1 head. The head hole is just completely the wrong shape to set it in.

      You might be able to sit it over the round hole as if it was a doughnut type hook-holder, which would put the hook lower, in the neck rather than in the head... but I'm not sure how that would interfere with head mobility and stability. You'd also have to figure out something to hold the headcap on, since you won't have the upper loop of an s-hook to attach it to.
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    3. I think I popped on to this thread at exactly the right time! I have suddenly found myself in possession of a Type 1 Yder Elf and I am having a bit of trouble finding a good neck doughnut for him. I do not have him on a Delf body, rather I have him as a hybrid on a Domuya D-O.N.E. Flexi body. The doughnut that I currently have is a bit too round and causes him to be a little lopsided. Is there a particular doughnut that works better for these dolls than others? He is such a pretty sculpt and I want to do right by him!
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    4. Cool-Cat has you covered.
      They have two sizes. :cool:

      ☆ Cool Cat Collection Shop. Doll Accessories ☆ -- 【MSD/Hujoo】Small Neck Parts x 1pc (sk-coolcat.com)

      ☆ Cool Cat Collection Shop. Doll Accessories ☆ -- 【SD】Large Neck Parts x 1pc (sk-coolcat.com)

      ETA: The one thing to be careful of... That smaller one MAY be smaller than the diameter of the head hole. Measuring that to make sure it won't slip through would be wise.
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    5. Another thing to think about... Replace the s-hook entirely with something else.

      One of my ElfDoll girls lost her metal bar, and I replaced it with a small carabiner. You just have to pick one wider than the diameter of the neck hole. A round key-chain loop might work, too. Either would sit vertically, so it would take up less space in the head.
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    6. That is a good idea. I'll have to see what my local hardware store has in stock. The current issue I am facing is that without the doughnut, the head wants to sink down onto the neck. It looks a bit stumpy. My last resort plan was to take my Dremel to his current doughnut so that he wouldn't shift about so much.
    7. Hmm... Is the neck too narrow for the diameter of the head hole or does he just sit too low on the top of the neck?

      If the head just sits a little too low, a bit of hot glue on the underside of the head where it sits on the neck would help to raise it.
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    8. The neck is just a bit too narrow. It is not such a problem that the head sits directly on the shoulders, it just sits too low to look natural.

      The hot glue is a really good idea. I could just make that opening the tiniest bit tighter. Plus, he would probably pose better as an added bonus!
    9. Yep! The glue may wear down after awhile and need to be replaced, but it has the advantage of being removable if you ever switch bods for him. Narrowing the hole a bit with epoxy would be a permanent mod.
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    10. All that is left to do is dig out the hot glue gun!

      I have always been interested in experimenting with epoxy and/or resin. I think it would be fun to make little knick-knacks or props! However, I am worried about the smells and chemicals. I have an asthmatic senior cat, and I am so worried about negatively impacting her health; I will be saving the potentially toxic projects for a later date.
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    11. I ended up getting a neck donut from shapeways and hot glued it inside the head :)
      Here's a quick pic of him since he's finally all put together!
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    12. He looks amazing! I love those eyes with that wig. :D
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    13. Cute little dude. :thumbup
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    14. I love Shiwoo. One of my favorite sculpts ever! I really need to stop neglecting my poor Kairi and take new pics of him. Of all my CP group, actually. :whee:
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    15. [​IMG]
      Just hanging out while I wait for the gorgeous new wig I ordered to arrive. And somehow along the way he got underwear, more pants, socks.... He went 15ish years with only one outfit and now I might be going overboard.
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