BJDs Under $300!

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BJDs Under $300!

If you're new to the hobby, you may have done a double-take at the steep prices and thought, "That's a ludicrous amount of money for one doll!" Some newbies look to the more inexpensive side of things to ease into the hobby, while other collectors find that their grail doll might not cost an arm and a leg like he or she had originally anticipated. Regardless, to some doll owners the word "inexpensive" translates to "cheap," and that these dolls are sub-par to their own limited editions. This may be true for some, but not others; many, many collectors find the quality of less expensive dolls to be just as great as those with a much higher price tag.

That is why this list is here: so you can search for your grail doll without hurting your wallet! Dolls are sorted by size for your convenience.

65-70cm Dolls [Hound Size]

50-64cm Dolls [SD Size]

List is not yet complete!