1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
    Dismiss Notice
  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
    Dismiss Notice

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I let non-members see my DoA profile?

Go to Privacy in the user menu that shows when you hover over your username on the upper right.

If you want your profile to be public, set 'View your details on your profile page:' to All Visitors.

If you want your profile to be private, set it to Members Only or People You Follow Only.

My doll has been sold or is on layaway. What should I do now?

Once you have found a buyer for your doll, either through an immediate sale, a hold or a layaway, it is time to move your thread to the Sold Dolls Archive! Please edit the prefix of your thread from FS to Finished so that the Moderators can move it accordingly. To do this, please click "Thread Tools", then "Edit Thread." After you have changed your prefix to Finished, click "Save Changes."

Do not edit the title of your thread after it is finished. Please only change the prefix to Finished. Your sales thread will be moved to the Sold Dolls Archive for reference and will still be visible to your buyer and to other members for a minimum of six months. Altering the content of your sales thread after a sale has been made may result in disciplinary action.

Where can I buy and sell dolls?

If you have met the access requirements, you can buy and sell dolls in our extensive Marketplace.

If you have not yet met these requirements, you may not solicit or engage in any transactions anywhere on the forum.

Advertising or soliciting sales outside of the Marketplace will result in disciplinary action.

Can I search my conversations?

You cannot search for keywords in conversations.

However, you can show messages sent or received by a specific member in the Conversation Display Options at the bottom of the conversations list.


What are marketplace status flags?

You may notice that some members have marketplace-related banners under their names.

Being Paged is for members who have an unanswered Paging thread in Problem Transactions. This doesn't always indicate a problem, but do check the member's feedback before entering a transaction.

Unresolved Transactions means that someone is in the midst of resolving negative transactions. They cannot use Invisible Mode or edit their personal settings, and they cannot block conversations. They can access the Marketplace but cannot start new threads there.

Marketplace Ban indicates that the member has lost Marketplace privileges and cannot buy, sell, trade or take commissions on DoA. They do have access to the feedback forum.

If you are in a problematic transaction, please start a thread in Feedback – Problem Transactions.

How do I change the colour scheme?

Scroll down to the very bottom and click Color Options. This will bring up the colourways that are available; click the blocks to change them. More options may be added in the future.

Clicking the Styler button will bring up more options, including more background colours and patterns.

How do I turn off alerts?

You can turn off alerts by hovering over your username at the top right and choosing Alert Preferences. This page gives many options for choosing when you'd like to receive alerts.

Changing a preference is not retroactive. If you are already watching a thread or doll profile, you may still get alerts for it after you have updated your preference. If this happens, you will need to go back to the item and click 'unwatch' to prevent future alerts.

How do I mark a forum read?

To mark all forums read, go to Forums » Mark Forums Read.

Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 8.16.19 PM.png

To mark one forum read, visit that forum and go to Forums » Mark Forums Read.

This time, a window will pop up with an option to mark that forum as read:

Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 8.19.39 PM.png

Make your selection and click the Mark Forums Read button.

How are conversations different from private messages?

A conversation is more like a private thread; all back-and-forth communication takes place on one page. You can start a conversation with multiple participants and all of them will be able to read the full conversation. When you start a conversation, there is an option to allow others to invite people in. A conversation can include up to five participants.

You can also lock a conversation so that no one else can post in it. You may want to do this if you are sending a message to multiple people, but don't want to start a big group conversation. For example, you might contact members of a group order for their addresses, but you want each person to respond to you privately.

One notable difference is that the conversation search box only allows you to search for usernames, not keywords.

How do I invite more people into a conversation?

If you are able to invite more participants into a conversation, there will be an Invite More link in the sidebar.


You can invite more people into conversations you have started, or in those where the conversation starter has ticked the box to allow it.


If you are starting a conversation and do not want the recipient(s) to invite others in, do not tick this option.

Where can I see a list of all the forums?

Click the Forums tab in the navigation.

Can I make the layout wider to fit my big screen?

Yes, scroll down and look for an icon on the bottom left that shows two arrows. It will make the site content wider.


How long are conversations stored on DoA?

Currently, we store conversations for ten years. This may change in the future, so we recommend that you periodically save your inbox messages to your computer.

Where is my UserCP?

Clicking on your username in the upper righthand corner will bring up links to various options. Click on Personal Details to bring up the side menu with links to the other options.

'Subscriptions' are now called 'watched threads' and 'watched forums', and links to these are under the Forums tab in the main navigation bar. There is no longer a page that displays all subscriptions or watched content.

How can I make the site easier to read?

Although it's not possible to change the way text displays on the entire site, it's possible to customize the display of post content.

Choose any thread, scroll down to the bottom and click the Styler button. There are options for typeface, text size, text background and text colour. Click the green tick symbol to save your choices.

Note these choices will only change the text in posts and conversations, so you need to be on a page that displays them in order to see any difference.

How do I report a conversation?

Go to the message you want to report and click the triangle icon with an exclamation point:


What is considered buying/selling/trading outside of the Marketplace?

The following things are disallowed when they are done publicly anywhere outside the marketplace:
  • asking if anyone is selling a specific item.
  • mentioning that your item is for sale or trade.
  • answering a "Where can I buy...?" question with your own sale.
  • asking members to sell items that are not listed for sale.
  • asking members to contact you if they decide to sell an item.
  • cross-posting images in the gallery and your sales thread at the same time.
  • soliciting commissions (even for free) outside of the Commissionable Services marketplace.
  • asking members if you may commission them.
  • asking members if there would be any interest in: a group order, a split, a custom manufactured head.
What is NOT considered buying/selling/trading outside of the Marketplace?
  • Signature links to marketplace threads or offsite sales.
  • Discussion-relevant links to online shops that aren't associated with you.
  • Mentioning in a meetup thread that you will bring items for sale; do not list prices or brands.
  • Mentioning that you will have a booth at an event; do not list prices or details.
You may not leave personal feedback on Den of Angels for items bought, sold or traded at a meetup or event.

How does following work?

Following a member adds their activity to your news feed. You can follow a member by clicking Follow on their member card or profile page.

The member you are following does not need to approve this and will not be following you unless they choose to. You cannot control who follows you.

How do I advertise on Den of Angels

You can create an advertisement here:
Advertising | Den of Angels

Once you've created your ad, please allow 48 hours for it to be approved.

When the banner is approved, you will receive an invoice.
When the invoice is paid, your banner will appear on DoA.
FAQ Manager ©2019 Iversia from RPGfix.